perjantai 20. syyskuuta 2019

The facts are clear: infectious disease deaths declined nearly 90% BEFORE vaccines were introduced

  • A marketing tactic that helps ensure the nearly $60 BILLION vaccine market keeps growing.
  • Irrefutable Evidence Shows Historical Application of Vaccines Had No Health Benefit or Impact on Prevention of Infectious Disease.

The facts are clear: infectious disease deaths declined nearly 90% BEFORE vaccines were introduced


Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, a well-respected pediatrician and fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics, discusses how disease mortality declined well before the introduction of vaccines in this one-minute MUST-WATCH video.

In the United States (and other countries), historical records show that disease mortality declined nearly 90% before the introduction of the vaccine program and routine vaccination programs — as stated in the Trends in the Health of Americans report.

In fact, some of the most prevalent diseases in the early 1900s — including Tuberculosis (TB), Scarlet Fever and Typhoid — followed the same declines WITHOUT ever having a vaccine program (in the US). These diseases were nearly eradicated in the U.S. without the population being vaccinated for them. (See graph)

How is this possible?
The pharmaceutical/medical industry has spent MILLIONS convincing us that vaccines saved us all from imminent disease death, but history proves this is more of a marketing tactic than a fact. A marketing tactic that helps ensure the nearly $60 BILLION vaccine market keeps growing.

Why Did Diseases Decline? 

The 19th-century population shift from country to city that accompanied industrialization and immigration led to overcrowding in newly populated cities that lacked proper sanitation or clean water systems. These conditions resulted in repeated outbreaks of cholera, dysentery, TB, typhoid fever, influenza, yellow fever, and malaria.

By 1900, however, the incidence of many of these diseases had begun to decline because of public health improvements, implementation of which continued into the 20th century.

Sanitation & Hygiene

Local, state, and federal efforts to improve sanitation and hygiene reinforced the concept of collective “public health” action (e.g. to prevent infection by providing clean drinking water). By 1900, 40 of the 45 states had established health departments. The first county health departments were established in 1908 (6).

From the 1930s through the 1950s, state and local health departments made substantial progress in disease prevention activities, including sewage disposal, water treatment, food safety, organized solid waste disposal, and public education about hygienic practices (e.g. food handling and handwashing). Chlorination and other treatments of drinking water began in the early 1900s and became widespread public health practices, further decreasing the incidence of waterborne diseases.

Tuberculosis declines WITHOUT a vaccine

The incidence of Tuberculosis (TB) also declined as improvements in housing reduced crowding and TB-control programs were initiated. In 1900, 194 of every 100,000 U.S. residents died from TB — the second leading cause of death — and most were residents of urban areas.

In 1940 (before the introduction of antibiotic therapy), TB remained a leading cause of death, but the crude death rate had decreased to 46 per 100,000 persons. There was never a vaccine for Tuberculosis in the United States. Yet other countries TB rates also decreased before the TB vaccine was introduced. 

What does the CDC say? It credits clean water, NOT vaccines…

This report from the Center for Disease Control in the US clearly shows that the decline in disease was due to clean water systems and sanitation — NOT vaccines. This report was written before the CDC became grossly intertwined with the pharmaceutical industry.

Typhoid & Cholera decline WITHOUT vaccines

Quote from the CDC report (NOTE there was NEVER a vaccine program in the US for typhoid and cholera):

“The occurrence of diseases such as cholera and typhoid dropped dramatically. In 1900, the occurrence of typhoid fever in the United States was approximately 100 cases per 100,000 people. By 1920, it had decreased to 33.8 cases per 100,000 people. In 2006, it had decreased to 0.1 cases per 100,000 people (only 353 cases) with approximately 75% occurring among international travelers.

Typhoid fever decreased rapidly in cities from Baltimore to Chicago as water disinfection and treatment was instituted. This decrease in illness is credited to the implementation of drinking water disinfection and treatment, improving the quality of source water, and improvements in sanitation and hygiene.

It is because of these successes that we can celebrate over a century of public drinking water disinfection and treatment – one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.”

Influenza vaccine was introduced in 1960, Pneumonia vaccine was introduced in 2001, after deaths from both diseases had already declined

Influenza vaccine was introduced in 1960, Pneumonia vaccine was
introduced in 2001,  after deaths from both diseases had already declined

Click here for the CDC report

Studies and reports showing the decline of disease deaths BEFORE vaccinations: The decline of adult smallpox in eighteenth-century LondonThis study shows smallpox mortality declined before the vaccine was introduced.

The US Universal Varicella Vaccination Program: CDC Censorship of Adverse Public Health Consequences

The CDC mainly published selective studies and manipulated findings to support universal varicella vaccination and aggressively blocked the Research Analyst’s attempt to publish deleterious trends or outcomes (e.g., declining vaccine efficacy, increasing HZ incidence rates, etc.). His letter of resignation stated, ”When research data concerning a vaccine used in human populations is being suppressed and/or misrepresented, this is very disturbing and goes against all scientific norms and compromises professional ethics.”

Annual Summary of Vital Statistics: Trends in the Health of Americans During the 20th Century

“Vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality seen in the first half of the century…Once again nearly 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among US children occurred before 1940 when few antibiotics or vaccines were available.”

But what about Polio?

This is the question we always hear. First, it’s important to note that Polio is a very common virus, much like a cold or flu virus. Most Americans had/have the polio virus in our bodies at some point, although we are never tested for it unless we have paralysis. We all have dozens of different viruses in our system at one time because that is how nature keeps our immune systems stimulated.

The paralysis that was blamed on the poliovirus in the 1940s and 50s was actually due to the widespread chemical/pesticide spraying of DDT, a highly toxic (now banned) pesticide.

But the US government and health departments, along with chemical companies, were encouraging the spraying of DDT on the American public. Mass DDT spraying campaigns took place on beaches, aerially over swimming pools and parks — especially during the summer months (aka farming season). Coincidentally most “polio” paralysis cases happened during the summer months and in children. Parents were even encouraged to spray their children directly with the highly toxic chemical as well as put it in baths and other places where children had direct contact with DDT.

As the weather warmed up each year, panic over polio intensified. Late summer was dubbed “polio season.” Public swimming pools were shut down.” — NPR, Chasing Down Polio, October 2012 report.

In the mid-1940s, scientists began to alert the government and Congress that DDT spraying was causing a huge increase in paralysis and nervous system damage. But the US government, on the back of World War Two, couldn’t admit their mistake — a mistake that would have cost them MILLIONS in damages through lawsuits from those affected.

Someone then had the brilliant idea to quietly start exporting DDT instead of spraying Americans, slowly ban DDT as not to cause alarm and promote a “solution” in the form of the polio vaccine.

It’s one of the most shocking and most commonly believed medical myths, which is still regularly repeated on television, in history books and by an unaware public that never bothers to look beyond the charade.

Studies showing the benefits of natural diseases

Pharmaceutical companies and the medical system love to vilify viruses, but are they really bad for your body? Science is discovering there are many benefits to common illnesses, particularly in childhood, and theorize that viruses actually help train the immune system in a way that can REDUCE the risk of more serious issues later in life, including cancer.
Yes, you read that right: natural viruses can PROTECT from disease later in life.

For thousands of years, humans have lived synergistically with viruses and bacteria. And now science is discovering that they actually serve a purpose on our journey to transformation and health.

Studies showing the benefits of natural diseases

Why aren’t we afraid of all diseases?

The only diseases we fear are the ones that a vaccine has been developed and marketed for. We never feared measles and mumps in the early 20th century… the media tells us what to fear, so they can then sell you an alleged solution.

There are literally THOUSANDS of diseases. Take Leprosy for instance.

How many parents walk around daily concerned about their child contracting leprosy? But, it still exists – by the thousands in various parts of the world. The United States has roughly 200 cases every year. Did you know that? Probably not…

- Because there’s no vaccine for leprosy.


Draining the swamp

How sanitation fought disease long before vaccines or antibiotics

Here’s a chart of 20th century mortality in the US1 (the spike around 1918 is a major worldwide influenza epidemic, sometimes known as the Spanish Flu):


May 24, 2013 by DAVE MIHALOVIC

Irrefutable Evidence Shows Historical Application of Vaccines Had No Health Benefit or Impact on Prevention of Infectious Disease

A summary review of data on neurological adverse events and the historical role of vaccination in the natural course of infectious disease in Switzerland and Germany, supports data from other regions with evidence that vaccines had no impact on disease prevention efforts from the early-mid to late 20th century. The data contradicts widespread misinformation campaigns by mainstream medicine which claim that vaccination led to immunization and a subsequent decline in infectious disease. The review supports other data around the world and mounting evidence that vaccine effectiveness is unproven, unjustified and lacking evidence-based medicine. The report was authored by the Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation of the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland and published in Progress in Health Sciences a division of The International Journal of Health Sciences.

There is now mass awareness on the dangers of vaccination and only education into the statistical reality of historical immunization efforts and their failure over the last century can validate the growing controversy regarding vaccine effectiveness.

A brilliant report in 1977 by McKinlay JB and McKinlay SM questioned "the contribution of medical measures to the decline of mortality in the United States in the twentieth century" Mem Fund Q Health Soc. 1977 Summer; 55(3): 405-28.

Two centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics have shown conclusively and scientifically that modern medicine is not responsible for and played little part in substantially improved life expectancy and survival from disease in western economies.

Historically, vaccines have not been viewed as inherently toxic by the regulatory agencies. The resulting lack of evidence of causality between vaccinations and serious adverse outcomes has thus been filled with an assumption that vaccines are safe.

Based on statistics from the Federal Statistics Office in Wiesbaden, Buchwald published a paper containing long-term observations of morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases. The following charts present the collected data indicating the year of introduction of the vaccines.

Tuberculosis mortality in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in the years 1956-1988.

Shaded area -- the number of BCG vaccinations performed. Note the decline from 1956 to 1970 without any vaccination schedule. (Source: Deggeller L.:Concerning Childhood Vaccinations Today. Journal of Anthrop Med, 1992, 9, 2,1-14)

Number of active tuberculosis cases in the years 1949-1987.
Shaded area -- the number of BCG vaccinations performed. Note the decline from 1949 to 1970 without any vaccination schedule.
(Source: Deggeller L. Concerning Childhood Vaccinations Today. Journal of Anthrop Med, 1992, 9, 2, 1-14)

Pertussis mortality. The arrows mark the year of introduction of the pertussis and DTP vaccines. Shaded area - the number of vaccinations performed. Note the declines already in place before either the pertussis or DPT vaccine schedules were introduced. (Source: Deggeller L. Concerning Childhood Vaccinations Today. Journal of Anthrop Med, 1992, 9, 2,1-14; with permission: Phycicians' Association for Anthroposophical Medicine)

Pertussis mortality in Switzerland in the years 1910-1980.

Shaded area -- introduction of vaccination. The greatest decline occurred prior to the introduction of general vaccination of infants. (Source: Deggeller L. Concerning childhood vaccinations today. Journal of Anthrop Med, 1992, 9, 2,1-14)

Shaded area -- the number of vaccinations performed. Note decline before widespread vaccination. (Source: Deggeller L.:Concerning Childhood Vaccinations Today. Journal of Anthrop Med, 1992, 9, 2,1-14.

It is interesting that in recent decades a decrease of infectious diseases was generally reported, which took place before the introduction of inoculations against these diseases.

According to a 2002 report from Lancet Infectious Diseases--the weight of evidence collectively suggests that personal and environmental hygiene reduces the spread of infection and--Thus results from this review demonstrate that there is a continued, measurable, positive effect of personal and community hygiene on infectious. The same report showed that the crude death rate from infectious diseases decreased to nearly negligible levels long before introduction of universal vaccination practices.

The success of cities in England were remarkable in reducing smallpox mortality substantially compared to other countries by abandoning vaccination between 1882 and 1908.

In the graphs notice the large numbers of deaths caused by the smallpox vaccine itself. By 1901 in the UK, more people died from the smallpox vaccination than from smallpox itself. The severity of the disease dimished with improved living standards and was not vanquished by vaccination, as the medical "consensus" view tells us. Any vaccine which takes 100 years to "work" is not. On any scientific analysis of the history and data, crediting smallpox vaccine for the decline in smallpox appears misplaced.

When during 1880-1908 the City of Leicester in England stopped vaccination compared to the rest of the UK and elsewhere, its survival rates soared and smallpox death rates plummetted [see table below]. Leicester's approach also cost far less.

UK Deaths Caused by Smallpox Vaccination 1875 to 1922 -- Published: Roman Bystrianyk

When during 1880-1908 the City of Leicester in England stopped vaccination compared to the rest of the UK and elsewhere, its survival rates soared and smallpox death rates plummetted

Click here for larger image

UK Smallpox Mortality Rates Compared to Scarlet Fever 1838 to 1890 -- Published: Roman Bystrianyk

Small-Pox Epidemics, Cost, and Fatality Rates Compared

Vaccinal Condition

Small-Pox Cases

Small-Pox Deaths

Fatality-rate Per Cent

Cost of Epidemic

London 1900-02

Well Vaccinated





Glasgow 1900-02

Well Vaccinated





Sheffield 1887-88

Well Vaccinated





Leicester 1892-94

Practically Unvaccinated





Leicester 1902-04Practically Unvaccinated731304.101,602

Currently, the developed countries introduce increasingly complex vaccination schedules. Children are expected to receive 
49 doses of 14 vaccines before the age of six.

Doctors and researchers point to the worsening state of health of the child population since the 1960s, which coincided with increasingly introduced vaccinations. Allergic diseases, inclu-ding asthma, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and many neurological dysfunctions - difficulty in learning, ADD (attention deficit disorder), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), seizures, and autism - are chronic conditions, to which attention has been brought.

Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.


Reference Sources



Learn The Risk/Council for Vaccine Safety, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is focused on raising awareness of the real dangers of pharmaceutical products, including vaccines, so people can take back control of their health. Disclaimer: This site is for educational purposes only and does not offer medical advice. All information and suggestions found on this website are meant to educate and empower you to make your own health decisions based on your own research, and in cooperation with your health care team. As always, lifestyle suggestions should be implemented with guidance of licensed health practitioners. Any statements or claims about possible health benefits of foods, supplements or suggestions here have not been evaluated by the FDA. Reliance about information on is solely at your own risk. Copyright 2018 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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