torstai 15. heinäkuuta 2021

7/15/2021 Live Arizona AZ State Senate Hearing on the 2020 Election Audit in Maricopa County

37,000 Anonymous Queries To Access 2020 Election In Arizona ‘Do Not Follow That Pattern Of Normal Windows Behavior’.

Live Arizona AZ State Senate Hearing on the 2020 Election Audit in Maricopa County.


I listened to the entire AZ Senate hearing.

— The first portion detailed extensively with the chains of command and audit integrity and hygiene and security with regard to the materials successfully subpoenaed from Maricopa County (ballots, servers, etc.). By natural contrast, but not in a fashion designed to upbraid the Maricopa County election staff (who are apparently morons), the integrity, hygiene, and security of the ballots while in County control was comparatively slipshod.
— The next portion dealt with findings related to duplicated ballots, overseas ballots (military, mostly), and how to identify and ensure that ballots were neither double-counted (or more) nor undercounted. Issues with orderliness in ballot storage and management by Maricopa County was a significant issue on this front.
— Then the issue came up about electronic artifacts (like thumb drives and two-factor security sticks) and physical envelopes with voter signatures. These things have not been provided by Maricopa County, even though the Senate subpoena was upheld in court. Maricopa County election office flunkies, undoubtedly at the direction of a handful of powerful elected Democrats, are being deliberately unhelpful (responding to every request with, “We have given you all we have,” and only that).

My takeaway from the hearing was that Maricopa County employs official election staff to manage vote counts and such who are the equal of Daisy the Affirmative Action Hiree at your local college admissions office.

In general, it is very clear that Democrats in Maricopa County — either in a lust for raw power, or possibly to protect allies from criminal prosecution — are doing everything possible to thwart transparency and an effective election audit, the country be damned.

7/15/2021 Live Arizona AZ State Senate Hearing on the 2020 Election Audit in Maricopa County.


BREAKING: 37,000 Anonymous Queries To Access 2020 Election In Arizona ‘Do Not Follow That Pattern Of Normal Windows Behavior’

More data needed to determine the significance

In March, there were more than 37,000 anonymous administrative queries to access the 2020 election system in Maricopa County that defied “normal Windows behavior,” according to cyber expert Ben Cotton, a witness at the Arizona state Senate hearing Thursday on the election audit.

“The Windows logs will actually record the user name that is requesting that action” in addition to the IP address and the host name of the client making the request, said tech expert Ben Cotton. “What we are seeing here…is we’re seeing anonymous logins at the system level that do not follow that pattern of normal Windows behavior.” Cotton said that he needs to obtain data to figure out what the activity is.

“On March 11, over 37,000 queries for a blank password on a Maricopa Co system that only contained 8 accounts. This was script used by the EMS Admin account. We need routers & splunk logs to see WHO was querying! And why the data before February 5, 2021, is not accessible! #OMG,” stated Arizona GOP chairwoman Kelli Ward.

Tech contractor Ben Cotton confirmed that the Maricopa County election system was “compromised” during the 2020 election. “An element of the election system was actually compromised or breached during the course of the November 2020 election…The registration server that was public facing did have unauthorized access to that. In cybersecurity terms, it was breached…The county issued a letter” regarding the problem, stated tech expert Cotton.

Meanwhile, former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, who served as the Republican state Senate’s liaison to the Maricopa County audit, confirmed that “thousands” of ballots that were set aside to be duplicated had no serial number on them or a very “light” unreadable serial number, making them impossible to properly count during the 2020 election.

“There was almost one whole pallet that were called original/damaged ballots sent to duplication…if a ballot gets damaged and has to be sent to duplication,” Bennett explained. “We found I would have to say thousands of duplicate ballots where those serial numbers are not on them” which “has created great difficulty in trying to match up.”

Bennett said that “thousands” of ballots in the duplicate pile had serial numbers “put on by a dot matrix printer, very very light” and there was “none whatsoever on many” ballots. When asked how you would know if ballots are duplicated or not with no serial number, Ken Bennett confirmed that you would NOT know. The stunning revelation provides more substance to President Donald Trump’s assertion that the 2020 election was illegitimate.

This is a breaking news story and may be updated with more information.

Patrick Howley

Patrick Howley

Patrick Howley is a seasoned reporter responsible for revealing the Veterans Affairs scandal, exposing Ralph Northam's racist yearbook photo, breaking the Cal Cunningham adultery scandal, and revealing the financial links between the Pelosi family and Ukraine. Howley is currently focusing on the possible politicization of Child Protective Services. Follow Patrick on Twitter @HowleyReporter and at


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