The Yeast Diet (also known as the Candida Diet)
Its a natural cleansing diet that combines dietary restrictions with anti-fungal supplements in an effort to reduce or eliminate the painful symptoms associated with yeast overgrowth.
Since Candida Albicans is one of the most common forms of yeast associated with a variety of yeast issues, many people refer to the diet as the anti-Candida Diet or simply, a yeast free diet.
In general, this diet plan prohibits use of foods that encourage yeast growth including sugar, yeast, dairy, fruit, fermented and processed foods.
Anti-fungal supplements are usually taken to flush out the excess yeast and pro-biotics are often used to re-populate the body with friendly bacteria and to help keep the body's naturally occurring yeast in balance.
Anti-fungal supplements are usually taken to flush out the excess yeast and pro-biotics are often used to re-populate the body with friendly bacteria and to help keep the body's naturally occurring yeast in balance.
Time frames for being on a yeast free cleanse can vary by individual from a minimum of three weeks to a permanent diet change depending on the severity of the condition.
Periodically purging toxic levels of yeast from the body with a detoxifying yeast cleanse is a great way to support and maintain a natural healthy balance in the organs and body systems.
Periodically purging toxic levels of yeast from the body with a detoxifying yeast cleanse is a great way to support and maintain a natural healthy balance in the organs and body systems.
What are the Effects of a Candida Imbalance?
Candida overgrowth is bad because it signals an imbalance of the friendly bacteria the body uses to hold the naturally occurring yeast in check. Many things including, antibiotics, birth control pills and chemotherapy can actually kill off the healthy flora of helpful bacteria that keep the yeast under control.

How Do I Know if I Have a Problem?
Taking a Candida Test is one of the easiest ways to determine if your symptoms could be yeast related. By combining the most common causes and typical symptoms associated with yeast overgrowth, the test will give you a score of the likelihood that your symptoms are yeast related. Take the free online Candida Test here.
If you have ever taken antibiotics, birth control pills or undergone chemotherapy you may have some level of Candida overgrowth. You can also develop a yeast issue from over eating processed and refined foods or even acquire it from exposure to others with a yeast imbalance.
How Do I Rid Myself of Excessive Yeast?
If you are ready to get started, the The Yeast Diet Cookbook & Meal Planning Guide is the resource we recommend for delicious recipes and successful meal planning tips for making the most of the yeast free diet.
It contains 250 yeast free recipes, a list of foods to avoid and several helpful tips and tools for yeast free eating - including a meal planning guide.
It is always a good idea to consult a licensed medical practitioner regarding your specific situation before undergoing any new diet or supplement regimen.
Visit the Resources page for more tools and tips including the meal plan, free recipes, the online Candida Test, our newsletter, blog, and yeast free cookbooks. You can also find us on our community Facebook page for questions and feedback or to connect with others who are struggling with yeast related issues.
Yeast Free Foods List
The Yeast Diet (also known as the Candida Diet) has been used for years by naturalists as a way to detox the body of overstocks of yeast that can come from certain medications, processed foods or from exposure to others with yeast overgrowth.
The food we eat plays a major role in our body's delicate balance between maintaining healthy levels of Candida yeast and prevention of harmful yeast overgrowth.
Eating plenty of yeast free foods in conjunction with a good anti-fungal supplement is vital to the success of a yeast diet cleanse. Below is a general Candida Diet food list to use as a guideline for yeast free eating.
Candida Diet Food List - What You Need To Know
Individuals with specific sensitivities or those with chronic conditions may need to avoid a larger range of yeast free foods in order to see results. Substitutions can be used effectively to avoid items based on your own individual sensitivities (substitute cauliflower or broccoli for potatoes etc.).
For recipes specifically designed to follow the rules of the yeast free Candida Diet visit the yeast free recipes page.
Foods To Avoid
The food items listed below are the most common food avoidances for the general Candida Diet.
1) Sweeteners - in all forms (white and brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, barley malt, stevia, dextrose, sucrose, fructose, corn syrup, rice syrup Sweet ‘n’ Low, etc.)
2) Fruit (due to high natural sugar content) - includes whole and dried fruit, fruit juices and concentrates.
3) Yeast - in any form.
4) Vinegar and Vinegar Products (mayonnaise, mustard, salsa, dressings, etc.).
5) All Dairy - including milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, powdered milk, milk solids, milk protein, butter, lactic acid, lactose, casein, etc. (Eggs are not dairy).
6) Alcohol - in any form (including extracts and wine).
7) Fermented Products - such as miso, soy sauce, tempeh, sauerkraut and pickles.
8) Mushrooms - these are a fungi and should be avoided.
9) Hydrogenated or Partially Hydrogenated Oils - including margarine and shortening.
10) Spicy Seasonings - to be used sparingly (chili, cumin, curry, cinnamon, pepper, etc).
11) Peanuts and Pistachios - these are subject to mold growth and should be avoided on the Candida Diet.
Yeast Free Foods To Eat
There is a great variety of healthy, yeast free foods that do meet the Candida Diet criteria and these are listed below:
1) *Vegetables - especially dark green leafy ones.
2) Hormone Free Meat (whenever possible).
3) Seeds and Nuts - including nut butters like sun butter or almond butter. (Excludes peanuts and pistachios).
4) *Whole Grains - like brown rice, barley, millet, and buckwheat.
5) Eggs.
6) Herbs - garlic (acts as an anti-fungal agent), basil, thyme, oregano, parsley, etc.
7) Olive Oil (Light olive oil is recommended because it is better for use at high cooking temperatures).
8) Almond Milk - unsweetened.
* Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, corn, beans, etc. should be used in moderation (3-4 times per week) as part of a balanced diet.
* Grains including wheat will need to be avoided if you have a gluten sensitivity. Find my gluten free bread recipe and flour mixture and use it for substitutions as needed.
Still need some support? We have a Facebook page setup to share information, recipes and answer questions related to yeast free foods and yeast free living. Join thousands of others who share ideas and advice related to their own personal experiences and Candida Diet success stories by visiting our Facebook group!
8 Ways To Detox Your Body
by Lily Aronin | October 13, 2013
Fall is the perfect season for a detox. When the season changes from summer to fall our body transitions from a faster metabolism to a slower one in order to save energy to get though the long winter. A fall detox is special because you want to cleanse the toxins that slow down your body and make it vulnerable to sickness while speeding up your metabolism for the winter months to avoid any winter weight gain. There are 8 simple ways to detox for fall, and you can repeat this detox at any point during the winter months to boost immunity and metabolism.
Greens: Eating greens like kale, broccoli, cabbage and cucumbers is like absorbing sunshine; it keeps your body happy all winter long when sunshine is scarce. Eating green also helps to regulate your body’s systems, removes toxins from the body, and boots immunity.
Sweet vegetables: Pumpkin, sweet potatoes, carrots and beets are all great choices for a fall detox. These seasonal vegetables cut the cravings for chocolate and sweets that we feel in the winter. Add them to your menu to avoid cravings altogether! The beta-carotene and vitamin A also boost immunity and protect your skin and eyes from damage.
Whole Grains: To really kick your detox into high gear, stick to grains in their whole form and avoid all flours and foods that are separated, like wheat germ or bran. When you eat grains in their whole form like barley, oats, wheat berries, quinoa, or millet, they work like sponges in the body. The soluble fiber absorbs cholesterol and the releasing toxins to remove them from the body.
Water: The winter is very drying on the skin, which is our biggest organ. To protect your skin and to wash out all of the releasing toxins, it is vital to drink 2-3 liters of water a day. This includes decaffeinated, unsweetened teas or flavored water without sugar.
Movement: Sweat is the best way to warm up the body to increase metabolism as well as excrete all the junk you are detoxing. 30-60 minutes of sweat-inducing exercise is best. This can be a killer Pilates class or a heart busting cardio routine. Mix it up and have fun! As long as you are sweating, you are detoxifying your body. In the winter, begin your yoga or Pilates routine in sweat pants and a sweater until your body warms up, then strip off the layers while you complete the workout.
Sugar: Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners while detoxing. These are one of the greatest forms of toxins you are exposed to every day. Stick to 2 tablespoons total of agave nectar or Stevia during your detox.
Dairy: When the weather cools down, reduce your dairy intake to one cup a day at most to avoid excess mucus, and try to buy organic when possible to avoid the antibiotics. During the detox, avoid dairy and use almond milk instead.
Oils: Stick to olive oil during the detox to lubricate your body. The Omega-3 fat enhances your body’s fat burning abilities.
The most important element of a detox is consistency. Make your own schedule from a 24-hour detox to a full 7-day detox. You decide how long you need and you control how successful you will be. For a jumpstart to your detox, try our mouth-watering Skinny Detox Soup! It is a favorite here at Skinny Mom!
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