maanantai 21. kesäkuuta 2021

Former Policeman Mark Sexton Reports Crimes Against Humanity to Police, Arrest Hancock, Boris, Whitty


Former Policeman Mark Sexton Reports Crimes Against Humanity to Police, Arrest Hancock, Boris, Whitty [VIDEO]

ER Editor: Now it’s Mark Sexton‘s turn to present his evidence of government crimes against the people, which he did at Leamington Spa police station last Friday, June 18. (Danny Cook and some friends had already done this at the Bromley Police Station last week – see MUST-SEE VIDEO: “When a Child Dies From the Vaccine, You Will Be Accountable For Murder” – Bromley Police Confronted.)

Leamington Spa is a town near Warwick, both of which lie south-east of Birmingham. The UK government minister responsible for the Covid vaccine programme is Nadhim Zahawi, also MP for nearby Stratford-on-Avon. It is to him that Sexton’s research and evidence has been sent.

We’ll give our notes on the video below, but first here is what Sexton himself had to say about this video yesterday on Facebook:


Sexton introduces his interview with P.C. Bower with his intention to report a criminal offense of misconduct in public office against a Warwickshire MP. We assume this is Zahawi.

Using data from the UK government’s own website, 1,295 to date have died following Covid vaccination; 922,000 adverse reactions have been recorded following vaccination. Which is close to a MILLION people.

On May 25, 2021, Sexton went to four hospitals in the Birmingham area, due to information he had obtained that the PCR test, made in China, is contaminated with ethylene oxide, lithium and hydrogel. He reported this at Leamington Spa police station on the same day. It was forwarded to Special Branch because Sexton had claimed it was a terrorist attack. This information at the hospitals was passed onto senior staff. There he learned that there were massive influxes of people with serious adverse events following the ‘vaccines’ such as blood clots, menstrual problems, neurological issues, &etc. So he contacted Nadhim Zahawi, MP for Stratford, who is in charge of vaccine rollout in the UK.

Sexton then takes P.C. Bower through the relevant documents. The evidence he gives to the officer is drawn from Dr. Byram Bridle, the Canadian vaccinologist; Dr. A.H. Khan Zaheed re. evidence from Pfizer; a report from Slovakia re. contamination of the PCR test; and a letter from Dr. Tess Lawrie re. vaccine harms.

Sexton is thus demanding a halt to the use of the PCR test AND the vaccine programme.

All roads lead to you, Mr. Zahawi

He then presents other evidence including: MHRA vaccine data; Dr. Jenny Harries’ (UK deputy chief medical officer) comments about Covid and children; evidence from Boris Johnson; the success of alternative therapies such as ivermectin, HCQ and vitamin D; the UK government being guilty of the criminal offence of blackmail; death and burial statistics showing that 2020 had lower fatalities than the previous six years; the falsity of claiming there are ‘variants’; police are independent of government and sworn to protect the people, &etc. The video stops abruptly at around the 30 minute mark.

The UK government is planning mass vaccination of children starting in September.


Ex-Policeman Mark Sexton Reports Crimes against Humanity to the Police – Arrest Hancock, Boris, Whitty




Published to The Liberty Beacon from


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