maanantai 21. kesäkuuta 2021

Study on the electromagnetism of people vaccinated in Luxembourg

Scientists in Luxembourg decided to test magnetism reports.

  • In the vaccinated group, on the other hand, out of the 30 individuals questioned, 29 showed attraction to the magnet. That is, the magnet adheres to their skin without difficulty. All of them are vaccinated at the Vaccinodrome.
  • It appears that vaccinated people do give off an electromagnetic field and that the earlier the individuals have been vaccinated, the more they give off a strong field. 
  • In the discussions, it emerges that people do not even get vaccinated for medical or health reasons, neither out of conviction or fear of the disease but more often in the hope of returning to a normal life and being able to again travel freely.
  • Magnetism INTENTIONALLY Added to ‘Vaccine’ to Force mRNA Through Entire Body?
  • Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour.
  • Magnets stick to a fresh covid jab - Videos, videos & videos. 

Study on the electromagnetism of people vaccinated in Luxembourg

In recent months, hundreds of amateur videos have popped up everywhere on social networks featuring people who have visibly become electromagnetic following vaccination. In any case, this is what we can observe.

After many questions were asked to us by a certain number of our members on this effect of electromagnetism "supposed" appearing in the vaccinated subjects, our association made the decision to take a concrete interest in this subject, to say the least intriguing.

So is this effect real or is it just a rambling?

This survey, of a statistical and sociological nature on this “supposed” electromagnetism effect and which is in question here, raises at least and first three important questions:

  • Is it true that people have an electromagnetic effect after vaccination?
  • If so, is it true that only vaccinated individuals exhibit this effect?
  • What is actually injected into individuals under the vaccine qualification that could cause this effect?

In an attempt to answer these questions, the investigation was entrusted to one of the members of the association. This is the person responsible for dealing with demographic and sociological issues.

Presentation of the survey parameters:

For the purpose of accelerated realization, it was decided:

  • To interview a panel of 200 individuals domiciled or working in Luxembourg.
  • That this panel would be divided into 2 groups: the first would be made up of 100 individuals vaccinated in Luxembourg and the second of 100 unvaccinated individuals for comparison purposes.
  • That each of these groups should have 50 women and 50 men.
  • That only active individuals would be selected to participate in the study due to the fact that they are much more required to be vaccinated than inactive individuals.
  • That the place of the study would be the Belle-Étoile shopping center and the route d'Arlon in Strassen.
  • That the variables retained would therefore be sex, age, profession, number of injections, pharmaceutical origin of injections, date of injections, magnetic attraction, emission-reception of an electric field and the city of the respondent's place of residence.

NB: It should also be specified that for reasons of practicality, only people wearing short-sleeved clothing or sleeveless clothing would be interviewed.

Presentation of the method of approach and conduct of the survey:

  • The interrogator introduces himself to the individuals, presents the association, then presents the investigation:

"  Hello Madam or Sir, I apologize for disturbing you but my name is Amar, I work for the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV) association and I am currently carrying out a statistical and anonymous survey on vaccinated people and unvaccinated people  living in  Luxembourg  ”…  “ This is a survey that deals with information stating that vaccinated people could exhibit electromagnetic effects and we at EFVV are investigating whether this is well the observed reality  ”.

  • The interviewer then asks the respondents whether they are willing, knowingly, to participate in the investigation of their own accord.

"  Would you have a few minutes to give me please and would you be interested in participating in our investigation?"  ".

  • The investigator then explains to the individuals questioned the interests of the investigation and introduces the individuals to the heart of the matter by presenting them a magnet that he attaches, by magnetic effect, to a metallic object (pole, car, etc.). He then explains to the interviewees that magnets do not adhere to humans and that they adhere only to metallic objects, but that we have received information claiming that vaccinated people generate an attraction to the magnet due to precisely because they were vaccinated.
  • The investigator then asks the respondent if he or she is willing to play the game and apply the magnet to his or her shoulder, where he or she was injected.
  • When the magnet sticks to the skin at the level of the shoulder, the investigator then asks the person to stick the magnet on the other shoulder to know if the adhesion is not explained in a local iron concentration ( implant, effect of injection, etc.).
  • The investigator then asks the interviewee if he or she is willing to pass an electric field and magnetic field tester ( Meterk brand, model MK54 ) at the shoulders, explaining that information also had been reported to our association and who said that vaccinated people were also generators of electric fields.
  • The investigator continues the discussion and continues to respond, to the extent possible, to those interviewed who are interested in the experiment conducted and the results of the investigation.

Summary presentation of results for the week of study 1 st  June to 5 June 2021:

  • Only 30 vaccinated people and 30 unvaccinated people were finally interviewed while the objective was to interview 100 for the first group and 100 for the second.
  • The condition of gender distribution has been respected. In each group, 15 women and 15 men were interviewed.
  • In the non-vaccinated group, out of the 30 individuals questioned, the number of people with magnet attraction is 0 (zero)The experience therefore stops there for this group.
  • In the vaccinated group, on the other hand, out of the 30 individuals questioned, 29 showed attraction to the magnet. That is, the magnet adheres to their skin without difficulty. All of them are vaccinated at the vaccinodrome.

  : The 30 th  person, which does not grip the magnet, has not made vaccinate vaccinodrome like any other. She was vaccinated by a nurse with whom she has worked for many years.

  • Of these 29 individuals, 22 had the magnet adhering to only one shoulder and only to the area of ​​the injection. These 22 people are the ones who only received one injection.

The 7 other people of this same group have the magnet which adheres on the two shoulders.

  • In this group called vaccinated, domiciled or working in Luxembourg, it appears that:
  • 17 received at least one injection from the Pfizer laboratory
  • 7 received at least one injection from the Astra Zeneca laboratory
  • 3 received at least one injection from the Moderna laboratory
  • 3 received the single injection of Johnson & Johnson
  • 6 received the 2 injections from the Pfizer laboratory
  • 1 received the 2 injections from the Astra Zeneca laboratory
  • 1 received the 2 injections from the Moderna laboratory
  • 2 of the individuals in this group, a nurse working at the CHL and having been one of the first to be vaccinated, and a financial analyst, presented totally abnormal electric field emissions. For the nurse, a video was even made which shows the values ​​emitted by the tester around his left shoulder. For the analyst, the values ​​issued by the tester were approximately the same but the individual abruptly ended his participation in panic.
  • Of the 30 people questioned from the vaccinated group, 29 live or work in Strassen. Only 1 lives in Metz but works in Strassen.
  • It would appear that people who were vaccinated earlier in the government immunization schedule are much more electromagnetic than people who were more recently. The magnet adheres faster and holds much better than in newly vaccinated people.
  • More precise measures should be taken in relation to this last finding.

Note  : The exercise being totally destabilizing for the people questioned, at no time are they asked to apply the magnet to an area other than the shoulders. It would have been very interesting to know if the magnet also adheres to the areas of the neck, chest, forehead or legs as well as to know if other objects such as spoons, scissors and smartphones also adhere. It is not feasible in public space.


It appears that vaccinated people do give off an electromagnetic field and that the earlier the individuals have been vaccinated, the more they give off a strong field. 

This feeling and appreciation, which is only a matter of the tactile experience when the magnet is applied and removed from the shoulder, should be verified much more precisely, on a greater number of people. of people and with much more precise devices.

It was extremely difficult to find individuals willing to participate in this rather unsettling experience.

People are interested in the experience out of curiosity and then, when they see that the magnet clings to their skin, they get skeptical at first, then suddenly they get cold. Some of them even get extremely nervous not to say that they seem to be completely in shock.

People sincerely wonder how it is possible that a magnet can adhere to their skin as easily as it adheres to a metal pole.

They ask for explanations and the investigator reassures them by telling them that there must be a physical or biological explanation. They are referred to the doctor who advised them to be injected for the sake of understanding.

A lady even cried saying that she did not want to be vaccinated but that she was forced by her employer who forced her to do so on the pretext that she works in contact with customers.

In the discussions, it emerges that people do not even get vaccinated for medical or health reasons, neither out of conviction or fear of the disease but more often in the hope of returning to a normal life and being able to again travel freely.

During the exchanges, people clearly express their dismay by saying after the fact that they are taken hostage in a politico-psychosocial cycle

Many recognize that this injection is unwanted and that at no time have they been given rational explanations (according to the Oviedo convention), that is to say, an insight from the point of view of the balance between benefits and risks and explicit information about the actual composition of the vials used for injections. 
They then qualify, after reflection and discussion, this act as: "error, madness, escape, solution, or even blackmail".

These are exactly the terms that came up very often in the testimonies and the notes.

Here again, a much more in-depth psychosocial investigation should be carried out on the real motivations which led these vaccinated individuals to agree to be injected. 
The ideal would be to be able to record and film all the conversations, the interviews and the spontaneous exchanges with the vaccinated persons and then analyze them.

The investigation is stopped for reasons of conscience and morals because the investigator can no longer cope with the dismay and helplessness of the people whose faces turn to stone when they realize that they have been injected with a substance they ultimately know nothing about.

The investigator, who has studied management techniques and psychosociology in the past, is very uncomfortable with these people who wonder about what is happening to them.

People turn pale, white, nervous. They put one hand towards the forehead or cross their arms while pinching their lower lip. Some people sweat from their hands because we see them wiping them on their hips or thighs.

These effects and expressions usually occur in states of anxiety, extreme stress or tension that is truly palpable and measurable.

Among the respondents, these uncontrolled physical manifestations are indicative of a deep discomfort when they realize after the fact that they have undoubtedly committed the irreparable.

The act of vaccination is, of course, an irreversible act.

In summary :

To the question, is it true that people exhibit an effect of electromagnetism after having undergone at least one act of vaccination? The answer is yes. Indeed, individuals become very electromagnetic on the injection zone at a minimum.

To the question, what is injected into individuals and which causes this effect?

We answer that it is up to the governments and authorities responsible for public health and the health of Luxembourgers to answer this question because it is they who, upstream, have taken the heavy decision to "vaccinate" healthy populations. using "vaccines" still in the experimental stage and of which, during clinical trials, all hamsters died.

We will not answer here for the responsibility of each other but it is certain that if superparamagnetic nanoparticles (magnetic beads) entered into the composition of these said vaccines, on an experimental basis or for any reason whatsoever, while until -These were only reserved for anticancer therapies, so it is urgent to request an update, as soon as possible, from the pharmaceutical laboratories and the health authorities who have given their authorization for the implementation in the market for these injections.

It is up to toxicologists and pharmacologists who are now responsible for discovering the origins and causes of these attraction effects observed on vaccinated subjects and it is up to politicians, who are responsible for the health of the citizens of this country. , to request very quickly the opening of an in-depth and public inquiry into the exact and real composition of these so-called vaccines.

PS  : 2 interesting sites and 1 working document to consult which deal with nanosolutions and ferrofluids:

https: //

Are the vaccinated really magnetized? Experiment and supply of Spike coupled with magnetic beads.





Magnetism INTENTIONALLY Added to ‘Vaccine’ to Force mRNA Through Entire Body?

Stew Peters Show – Published June 7, 2021 BREAKING! Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters with a horrific revelation regarding the ‘magnetism’ videos circulating the world of social media in self-recorded videos of people sticking metal objects to themselves. The CDC has said receiving the ‘vaccine’ will not make you magnetic, including at the site of ‘vaccination’ which is usually your arm. Dr. Ruby says, “They’re lying”, and provides evidence in support of her claim, as well as a disturbing warning about the ingredients in the jab, directly from the source.


Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour

  • Studies have shown that nerve cell proteins which are activated by heat and mechanical pressure can be genetically engineered so that they become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields.
  • The new technique builds on this earlier work, and is based on a protein called TRPV4, which is sensitive to both temperature and stretching forces.
  • When they introduced this genetic construct into human embryonic kidney cells growing in Petri dishes, the cells synthesized the ‘Magneto’ protein and inserted it into their membrane.
  • 11 different videos of magnets sticking to the vaccine site.
  • Magnetism INTENTIONALLY Added to ‘Vaccine’ to Force mRNA Through Entire Body?

Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour

“Badass” new method uses a magnetised protein to activate brain cells rapidly, reversibly, and non-invasively

The toroidal magnetic chamber (Tokamak) of the Joint European Torus (JET) at the Culham
Science Centre. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

@mocost | Thu 24 Mar 2016 10.30 EDT 
Researchers in the United States have developed a new method for controlling the brain circuits associated with complex animal behaviours, using genetic engineering to create a magnetised protein that activates specific groups of nerve cells from a distance.



This time it was some guys who did it in a way that's not easy to troll. Their only error was saying he's been chipped. I say that's not likely, what's far more likely is that the shot has so many nanobots it behaves like ferrofluid. If it was a chip, you'd never be able to get an MRI near the injection site for your entire life. They are saying wait 6-10 weeks before getting an MRI near the injection site, so obviously whatever is causing the magnet to react will eventually disperse, and that means nanobots. Probably a LOT worse than any chip.

To my surprise, a lot of people are having a hard time believing the following post about magnets sticking to a fresh covid injection. However, if you're not supposed to get an MRI for 6-10 weeks after the shot, I beg to question why not? 

WHY NOT?? Answer: Because you can't put magnetic materials into an MRI, and the shot needs to totally disperse, because it is indeed magnetic. And how would it be magnetic? Nanobots, obviously.

(Really inexperienced) and/or stupid people or outright trolls (and I'll pull no punches this time) are also saying there's no way this could work because the shot is a liquid and "anything in it would be too small to develop magnetic attraction". That's total horse sh*t, have people really forgotten ferrofluid?


You know - that magnetic liquid used to cool the voice coils of high performance speakers? 
That's not an obscure topic for ANYONE who has an ounce of tech sense.
It's obviously not the classic ferrofluid in the shot, but there's absolutely nothing stopping it from acting exactly the same way. I had such speakers in the 90's and the ferrofluid was completely clear. I discovered this when I had to change the tweeter diaphragms. It was like a totally clear oil. I believe this woman's video is legit 100 percent and am not one bit stupid. Hell yes there's a way this could be real. There has to be a reason why you should avoid MRI's for a period of time after the shot, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT REASON? Easy answer: You can't go into the world's most powerful magnetic medical equipment with a magnetic substance in you unless that substance is totally dispersed. It would rip that woman's arm apart if she went into an MRI like that. WATCH THE VIDEO.

Covid jab CONFIRMED: Magnets stick to a fresh covid jab.

When you don't get the saline that is.


The Pfizer jab does indeed make a magnet stick to people's arms where they got the shot.

I have now confirmed the shot probably contains nanobots, because you are supposed to wait 6 - 10 WEEKS after the shot before you get a MRI most likely because the nanobots have to disperse or the MRI will rip your arm apart. PROOF OF THIS IS RIGHT BELOW THE VIDEO. IT IS NOT BULLSHIT.

That's a strong attraction. How's that going to work in an MRI???


There probably is no coronavirus, but the spike protein alone would do enough.

Consider what has happened with this "outbreak" - early on it was discovered that people were not actually suffocating, they were instead dying from blood clots. 
The spike protein the vax tells your body to make is causing blood clots. They are claiming that the spike protein on the virus is what caused the blood clots. But what if there's no virus, and all they did was release a self-replicating spike protein, the effects of which we are seeing when the vaxxed work among the un-vaxxed, and pass the spike protein to the un-vaxxed?

What if all they did was spread a spike protein around where people would breathe it in, and it was failing to successfully spread well enough, so they started jabbing everyone they could with it?


Get the Covid vax, go to hell?

Youtube deleted this (that's a credibility booster) and it is now on Bitchute. I will say this: If magnets are sticking to people who got the vax, something is HORRIBLY WRONG.

And he causeth ALL to receive the mark . . . . . The scriptures do not say people took the mark by their own choice, the scriptures say IT WAS CAUSED. "All" is a bit subjective, because the bible also explicitly states that there will be those who gained victory over the mark, with the not so explicit part of that being that those who avoid the mark will probably be homeless as a result, eating pigeons and trash. If you really want to refuse the mark because you believe in God, you're going to have to prove it by suffering deep hardship.

The time period lasts 7 years and then the beast system collapses, most likely due to corruption. You can't have demons running the storehouse.


Why Are Magnets Sticking To Where People Got Covid Vaccines Injected?!

4 Videos!

May 11th, 2021 




Acta Biomaterialia

Volume 112, August 2020, Pages 14-28 

Recent progress of graphene oxide as a potential vaccine carrier and adjuvant


Vaccine is one of the most effective strategies for preventing and controlling infectious diseases and some noninfectious diseases, especially cancers. Adjuvants and carriers have been appropriately added to the vaccine formulation to improve the immunogenicity of the antigen and induce long-lasting immunity. However, there is an urgent need to develop new all-purpose adjuvants because some adjuvants approved for human use have limited functionality. Graphene oxide (GO), widely employed for the delivery of biomolecules, excels in loading and delivering antigen and shows the potentiality of activating the immune system. However, GO aggregates in biological liquid and induces cell death, and it also exhibits poor biosolubility and biocompatibility. To address these limitations, various surface modification protocols have been employed to integrate aqueous compatible substances with GO to effectively improve its biocompatibility. More importantly, these modifications render functionalized-GO with superior properties as both carriers and adjuvants. Herein, the recent progress of physicochemical properties and surface modification strategies of GO for its application as both carriers and adjuvants is reviewed.

Statement of Significance

Due to its unique physicochemical properties, graphene oxide is widely employed in medicine for purposes of photothermal treatment of cancer, drug delivery, antibacterial therapy, and medical imaging. Our work describes the surface modification of graphene oxide and for the first time summarizes that functionalized graphene oxide serves as a vaccine carrier and shows significant adjuvant activity in activating cellular and humoral immunity. In the future, it is expected to be introduced into vaccine research to improve the efficacy of vaccines.





CONFIRMED! Graphene Oxide Main Ingredient In Covid Shots

CONFIRMED! Graphene Oxide Main Ingredient In Covid Shots

By Dr. Ariyana Love, ND

A former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation proving that GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the key ingredient in Biotech’s Covid-19 serums.

This means that an unapproved industrial poison is being dishonestly marketed as “vaccines” and injected into children’s veins.

In her must-watch interview with Stew Peter’s on July 28th, Kingston reveals how graphene oxide was hidden under a trade secret. It was therefore not recorded in Biotech’s patent filing as an ingredient in the Covid-19 serums. It was also not disclosed to the public Kingston explains, because it was not required due to it being the registered intellectual property of the pharmaceutical cartel.

Prior to the Stew Peters interview, Karen Kingston did a series of four additional interviews with Doug Billings on The Right Side. These are all well worth listening to:

Graphene oxide has never been used on humans before but it’s been extensively researched for intended use on humans. There are over 2000 studies on Graphene Oxide Toxicity and 500 of them were published in 2017.

On August 5th, Kingston gave another crucial interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman on the Alex Jones Show where they showed us documents confirming without a shadow of a doubt that Biotech’s Covid-19 jabs include graphene oxide and lipid-coated nanoparticles.

Kingston also exposed how Pfizer lied about their data reporting to coerce people into taking their poisonous Covid injections.

Karen Kingston Pfizer Whistleblower Confirms Covid Injections are Bioweapon

Dr. Kaufman showed a study entitled, Graphene oxide-incorporated hydrogels for biomedical applicationsrevealing that graphene oxide has been developed for biomedical gene and drug delivery under the EU’s “Graphene Flagship” which I wrote about here.

Under the one billion euros EU project, gene delivery for an intranasal SARS-Cov-2 flu vaccine was tested using… wait for it… graphene oxide!

patent from China was filed and approved last year, using graphene oxide nanotechnology in gene and drug delivery and diagnostic purposes for… wait for it… a “coronavirus vaccine”!

There are a couple dozen articles describing the use of lipid-nanoparticles and graphene oxide for ovarian cancer treatment using gene therapy, Kingston points out. Moderna was in fact, researching and developing graphene oxide for cancer treatment. Moderna is specialized in cancer cures, not vaccines. Moderna was an oncology cancer therapy company.

Alexandra Henrion Caude is an RNA-based genetic scientist who confirmed in January that the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech “vaccines” are not vaccines at all but it’s a technology that is closer to gene therapy.

Caude goes on to say it’s also inappropriate to call the mRNA therapeutics or mRNA-based drugs “gene therapy” because they’re #1. Being administered to healthy people #2. mRNA technology was developed to treat cancer.

Graphene was considered a “wonder material” due to its never-before-seen properties. It’s the strongest material known to man with 1000 times the strength of titanium and yet, it’s nano-particularized.

Graphene oxide is super-elastic, and highly conductive, enabling it to enter even the brain. Its potential applications in biomedicine were enormous and a multibillion-dollar industry was looming that could revolutionize the diagnostic and treatment of diseases.

Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, etc, were in a race to research and development Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles as a cancer cure. So, Graphene oxide was injected into animals and used as the vector to deliver a novel mRNA drug technology directly into cells.

At first, the animals seemed fine and the cancer cells were successfully destroyed. But two months after inoculation all the animals got sick and DIED from Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)! Healthy cells were destroyed by the Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles. Safety and toxicity were the pharma cartel’s main challenges in using this novel technology for biomedical applications such as gene therapy.

After two animal trials that resulted in the death of all the animals, graphene oxide could not be approved for use in humans due to its toxicity to healthy cells and due to ADE, which is where the immune system destroys itself.

Front line doctors are already seeing ADE in these unapproved Covid-19 human trials. Experts such as Europe’s leading virologist Professor Dolores Cahill, world-renown scientist Mike Adams of Natural News, world’s leading virologist Geert Vanden Bossche and Pfizer whistleblower, Dr. Michael Yeadon warned us that ADE would come!

Dr. Judy Mikovitz revealed in her exclusive interview with Mike Adams, that the pharma cartel was totally broke. Their novel technology could not be used for gene therapy after all, despite that pharma had invested a lot of money in the development of graphene oxide for biomedical devices.

According to the animal studies, the pharma cartel also knew that graphene oxide enables “self-replicating vaccines“; aka transmission.

This essentially means that the pharma cartel is falsely marketing gene therapies as “vaccines” in order to profit by injecting an unapproved industrial chemical into humans without their Informed Consent. That is in direct violation of the Nuremberg Laws. Is it apparent now that the pharma cartel is determined to profit anyhow, at the expense of all our lives?

I encourage you to read my article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide, which has added vital information about human exposure to Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles.

We are literally being saturated with this “evil dust” which is the very thing Julian Assange called graphene oxide during his last interview.

Julian Assange On Graphene Oxide “Evil Dust”


Related article (click on image to read article)


Read more COVID related articles by Ariyana


See original article here


Image Credit: Graphic in Featured Image (top) – by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay


About the Author: Ariyana Love is a Goodwill Ambassador to Palestine (ICSPR), Chairwoman of an international foundation, a Human Rights Defender, Journalist and an Activist. Find out more about Ariyana by visiting her Blog at Ambassador Love. Also visit her new site Meta Nutrients (International) Foundation.


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