Missing Links Movie: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 - FULL MOVIE
SEPTEMBER 11, 2016I want to call your attention to the artist groups (GELATIN & E-TEAM) who were selected to be part of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC) World Views / Studioscape programs that allowed them and other artists to work and live in the WTC in the four years leading up to 9/11 on different floors, including 91 and 92 of the North Tower.
Additionally, they were given seven day a week construction access to the WTC that allowed them to freely move all sorts of materials in and out of the complex.
World Trade Center’s Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli ‘Art Student’ Project
March 2, 2017By Russ Winter of The New Nationalist
In the period leading up to 9/11, a group of Israelis (non-U.S. citizens) managed to secure “temporary construction” passes to perform work on the 91st floor of Larry “pull it” Silverstein’s leased WTC 1. These passes gave them access to the entire WTC complex. The pretense was an art project called the “B-Thing” and the group is called Gelatin.
After securing their passes, Gelatin proceeded to remove the heavy WTC windows of an office space on the 91st floor and reportedly constructed a prefab balcony outside of the building. Then they stretched “putty” around the windows and filmed it by helicopter as a stunt. The New York Times even felt strangely compelled to cover this story and considered it newsworthy, or a backstory. On the right is the photo of the balcony as shown in the newspaper article.
This may sound innocent enough for the dumb dumbs except for the fact that photos — taken from the artists’ book called the “B-Thing” AND used in the Times’ article — from inside the 91st floor camp out revealed boxes stacked to the ceiling with the letters and numbering “BB 18” on the side. BB 18 is the model number for a fuse-holder accessory, as described:
Features/benefits of this product:
“Purpose is to save space and workload in a complicated wiring situation. Decreases wiring terminations, small footprint reduces space requirements, reduces assembly time, prevents accidental finger exposure, quick and safe method of changing fuse holder configurations, allows for future expansion, improves troubleshooting, eliminates power distribution block.”
“Purpose is to save space and workload in a complicated wiring situation. Decreases wiring terminations, small footprint reduces space requirements, reduces assembly time, prevents accidental finger exposure, quick and safe method of changing fuse holder configurations, allows for future expansion, improves troubleshooting, eliminates power distribution block.”
Also take note that the ceiling tiles have been totally removed and expose the steel girders. The following little gem, and perhaps a calling card, was included in the ops’ egotistical, self-absorbed and freakish book.
BB18 - POWR Busbar SeriesSeries: POWR Busbar
Questions? Contact Littelfuse Support
POWR Busbar Series Datasheet
Safe distribution of power to multiple fuse holders in a compact design is a key objective for panel designers. The Littelfuse UL508 bus bar system eliminates most wire
terminations in a time saving package.
A power distribution block and associated conductors are no longer needed to feed multiple POWR-SAFE™ fuse holders.
Decreases wiring terminations
Small footprint reduces space requirements
Reduces assembly time
Prevents accidental finger exposure
Quick and safe method of changing fuse holder configurations
Allows for future expansion
Improves troubleshooting
Eliminates power distribution block
RoHS compliant and lead (Pb) free
This product is simple to integrate into one- and three-phase applications. It offers multiple pole configurations and amperage ratings to match the designer’s requirements. Instructions are included for bus bar cutting by the customer for further customization.
Individual power feed lugs are available which allow termination at any point along the bus bar.
The impact points of the “planes” were at the 93-98 floors. Below, cartoon physics of an aircraft imprint created by its flimsy aluminum wings that could not penetrate steel exterior columns.
Buried and apparently long forgotten is this 2002 Daily Mail story about the U.S. arresting and deporting 200 Israelis, some of whom posed as “art students,” for spying and espionage activities in the lead up to 9/11.
In addition, here is the DEA’s report on Israeli activities in the U.S. just prior to 9/11. So much for the nonsensical theory that Muslims in Afghan caves pulled off this crime of the century.
In addition, here is the DEA’s report on Israeli activities in the U.S. just prior to 9/11. So much for the nonsensical theory that Muslims in Afghan caves pulled off this crime of the century.
A new book, “Methodical Illusion,” explores the details.
Additionally, we have yet another “coincidence.” The building was powered down over a weekend prior to 9/11.
9/11 and the Israeli Bomb Expert Infiltrated Art Groups: GELATIN (demo wiring team) and E-TEAM (sol-gel team)
What are the odds that an avant garde Austrian art group was given access to the 91st floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center to remove windows, erect platforms outside the structure and leave material that could only be viewed by a close passing helicopter on a clear day? Well they are 100%.
What are the odds the art troupe are named after an explosive called Gelatin? What are the odds this group is sponsored by a cultural group who has an Israeli agent as a member who lived blocks from Mohammed Atta the terrorist who hated modern art and crashed an aircraft into it? Well they are 100%.
What are the odds that the markings on the cases that lined the walls of the space they were using were the same markings used for a special fuse holder assembly that allows for complex wiring? Well they are 100% too.
What are the odds the New York Times actually published a full page feature in August even showing pictures of the artists at work? Yes 100%.
What are the odds the graphic above if found in the hands of a Muslim in Iraq or Afghanistan would get you a one way ticket to Guantanimo with no chance to escape the water boarding season? Well more than 100% for sure.

The B-Thing
Walter König, Cologne, 2001
ISBN: 3-8837-507-9
32 pages, colour throughout, embossed hard covers
Text: Tex Rubinowitz
Photos: Maria Ziegelböck, Thomas Sandbichler, Susanne Wimmer, gelatin
Layout: Johannes Heuer
The B-Thing uncovers the truth behind the rumours of Gelatin's construction of an improvised balcony on the 91st floor of the World Trade Centre in New York. Through preparatory notes written by the boys, diagrams and colour photographs, we are finally able to glimpse the pink sunrise over New York from Gelatin's eyes.
90th floor WTC 1 B-Thing Israeli art students ready to remove a window
Members in their construction rigging and apparatus for the observation deck (crop) Notice the BB18
Members in their construction rigging and apparatus for the observation deck (Full) What if these boxes are actually explosives? What if other spaces were similarly packed?
Diagram of observation deck
Boxes framing the observation deck area
There seems to be little mistake in this image that the towers have been doomed and that these artists are a cover for part of the demolition team.
Many people feel the jumpers were staged. Anyway this piece of art has great significance as a pre 9/11 piece. NO ONE COULD HAVE SUSPECTED THAT A PLANE WOULD CRASH INTO THE TRADE CENTER never mind jump from it.
Pig iron containing manganese; used as a deoxidizing agent and to raise the manganese content in making steel
(SCHWA...B An American Bank MAX withdrawal?)
Part Number: BB18
Series: POWR-BAR Busbar
POWR-BAR Busbar Data Sheet
POWR-BAR&trade Bus Bar
Safe distribution of power to multiple fuse holders in a compact design is a key objective for panel designers. The Littelfuse UL508 bus bar system eliminates most wire terminations in a timesaving package. A power distribution block and associated conductors are no longer needed to feed multiple POWR-SAFE™ fuse holders.
Decreases wiring terminations
Small footprint reduces space requirements
Reduces assembly time
Prevents accidental finger exposure
Quick and safe method of changing fuse holder configurations
Allows for future expansion
Improves troubleshooting
Eliminates power distribution block
RoHS compliant and lead (Pb) free
An art display at a gallery showing the New York Times feature
This image is on the Gelatin website. Considering the jumpers from the WTC, it implies much. Was it their role to make it look like people jumped or to relish the event in a demented way.

The B-Thing
In short, the work purports to document a March 6, 2000 attempt by art students occupying "studiospace provided by the lower manhatten cultural council (all quoted passages are reproduced as they originally appear, replete with poetically licensed grammar, punctuation, spelling, and line breaks) on the "91. floor of world trade center 1."
"gelatin is on a floor with other artists who are part of this studio program.
gelatins space (the window, where the action will happen), is walled in with a
system of cardboard boxes.
other artists sharing 91. floor do not know what we are planing and doing.
the construction of the balcony and all other preparations are not visible
for them."
The narrative continues:
"the balcony is a prefabriacted construction, made by gelatin.
one person at a time will be able to stand on it.
the balcony will be camouflaged.
it will be built to be as less visible as possible for any passerby on the street.
it will be taken apart the moment after beeing pulled back in."
"one window will be taken out.
the removing of the window is done in a professional and secured action.
no constructive parts of the building will be removed or damaged.
there will not be any visible traces, after the window will have been put
back in."
Finally (for this post)"
"nobody but gelatin is officially involved into the project.
there will be an attorney telling gelatin how to behave.
there will be an attorney responsible to handle the case for gelatin."
A brief section of glossy color photographs "documents" the project. Individuals, apparently of college age, are depicted; all males are turned away from the camera. Two Asian females appear in full-face shots. The majority of pages depict drawings and calculations.
Photos of the balcony -- a narrow, cramped space protruding between exterior support columns -- appear to have been taken from ground level, and these images are grainy and, well, unconvincing. Also, there are photos that appear to have been shot from the balcony itself.
This is a most troubling and thought-provoking little publication. If what it documents is nothing more than a successful prank-as-statement by European and Asian art students, then what does it tell us about the vulnerability of the WTC, just prior to the attacks, to this sort of "tampering"?
Or is there more to the story?
Art students ... Hmmm ...
From the copyright page, more credits:
Text: Tex Rubinowitz
Photos: Maria Ziegelbock, Thomas Sandbichler, Susanne Wimmer, Gelatin
Translation: Jonathan Quinn
Reproductions: Cyberlab, Vienna
Layout: Johannes Heuer
Print: Groebner Druck, Oberhart
Binding: Papyrus, Vienna
Courtesy: Leo Koenig Inc./New York
Galerie Meyer Kainer/Vienna
Missing Links Movie: The Definitive Truth About 9/11
Missing Links Movie: The Definitive Truth About 9/11
from Johannes58 on Vimeo.
So let me get this straight: a bunch of poor Israeli art students, who were busted for being Mossad and deported mere weeks after 9/11 happened, are hanging around on the 91st floor of the WTC with boxes of
demolition electrical fuse holders? Are you fucking kidding me???
Spez: BB-18s are electrical fuse holders. Not nearly as damning. I still want to know what the fuck they were really doing up there though.
level 2
It is close to the WTC 1 impact zone.
Here is a video on the E-team project:
The B-Thing:
Lecture by one of the artists:
Going through their book:
Here is the DEA report on Israeli Intelligence posing as ART students:
Lastly is a page from the FBI file on Israeli Nationals pulled over with evidence of explosives and foreign passports.
level 3
That DEA Report is fucking ridiculous. On its own, it doesn't offer much to connect these so-called Israeli art students to 9/11... notwithstanding any additional, relevant classified docs that we'll never have access to.
Some of the addresses of these Israeli "art students" and their proximity to the reported addresses of the hijackers is remarkable. If I find the time, I'm going to try and match them up.
level 2
They are Austrian, not Israeli. They were not busted for being Mossad. They were never deported. This art project happened in March, 2000, eighteen months before 9/11.
level 4
No. Check again. Either this post had a misleading title, or /u/twsmith is trying to mislead. Or both.
level 3
Having to build and install a balcony certainly would explain welding torches, etc.
I believe that some of them were found to have lived in Hollywood Florida. Same town as some of the hijackers.
Anyone who doesn't think this is totally bizarre is being naive.
level 4
Not defending anything, but Hollywood, Florida is not so much a town. It's a quite large city that spans in odd, elongated angles that don't make sense for zoning.
level 3
They are Austrian, not Israeli.
No one claimed what country they're from. Only that they are/were Israeli art students. There is additional confusion, because there are two different art projects/teams (E-TEAM, Gelatin) that performed their events at different dates/times.
This art project happened in March, 2000, eighteen months before 9/11.
E-TEAM's "127 Illuminated Windows" event took place March 29th, 2001. Coincidentally, the floors they occupied included a couple of the same floors impacted by the plane that struck the North Tower. Source: E-TEAM's website.
Project Gelatin's "The B-Thing" did happen in March, 2000. One of the controversial elements of their stunt was how they managed to get around the relatively tight security (especially since the 1993 WTC bombings). Here is a PDF version of a New York Times article that discusses it in better detail.
Finally, coincidentally, some the Gelatin boys were in New York in September, 2001. Not that this is a smoking gun whatsoever, perhaps one could argue the opposite... but here is an article (unfortunately behind a paywall):
level 3
I hope you know how easy it is for intelligence agencies to fake country of origin for their agents. That's trivial.
level 2
This group of artists are not Israeli, the title is misleading.
level 3
You are correct. They were spies who also canvassed US government facilities.
The Israeli "art student" story, which first surfaced in 2001 in news reports, has yet to be explained by U.S. authorities. A memorandum sent to the 9/11 Commission, and Senate and House intelligence committees in September 2004, suggests that young Israelis who canvassed dozens of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offices in 2000 and 2001 trying to sell paintings to federal workers, may have been spying not only on the DEA, but also on Arab extremists in the United States - including the Sept. 11 hijackers who were living in Florida and New Jersey.
Many reports describe incidents of government employees spotting individuals in office hallways or elevators carrying large art portfolio cases. The art sellers would typically make a pitch to sell paintings, but if they were told that soliciting in government offices was prohibited, some replied that the art wasn't actually for sale but was promoting a future art show, the DEA report said.
During the first five months of 2001, according to Shea's memorandum, the "Israeli DEA Groups" visited a total of 57 DEA locations - 28 offices and 29 private residences
Other individuals that Shea calls the "Israeli New Jersey Group" were based in Bergen and Hudson counties, in New Jersey, according to the well-annotated memorandum that also cites the 9/11 Commission report, the 2002 congressional intelligence committees' joint inquiry into the terrorist attacks, newspaper and magazine reports, Fox News telecasts, 9/11 hijacker timelines, FBI suspect lists, and an East Rutherford (New Jersey) Police Department report.
Dozens of the more than 100 Israelis were stopped and questioned by DEA agents, and other federal government authorities. The individuals were vague about why they were in the U.S. or what their purpose was for being here. Dozens were arrested for visa violations and deported, according to the memorandum. Many in the groups had served in the military, which is compulsory for Israeli citizens, and group leaders had been in intelligence and electronic communications units. With such expertise, it strikes many as odd that the Israelis would be hawking inexpensive artwork. In the report, the DEA concluded that the agency was being spied on by the Israelis.
In 2001, a Fox News report by Carl Cameron laid out the Israeli spy scenario, however, the story was short-lived, and Shea was told by a representative at the news organization that there was outside pressure to kill the story.
level 4
This here is a typical paid shill thread slider. Using the common slider strategy to create doubt.
This is not "forum sliding". You have no idea what you're talking about.
They are not Israeli. They're from Vienna,Austria.
Instead of answering him with facts, you attacked him. Any time that someone does that, I conclude that they are unable to answer with facts or reason.
If you still think that /u/accountingisboring is wrong, please explain why and provide some evidence.
Otherwise you may want to apologize to him.
level 5
Thanks for the back up. That user seems very angry. First time I've been called a shill. I guess facts are a no no today.
level 6
First time I've been called a shill. I guess facts are a no no today.
I read this quickly as the first time you'd been called a shill today, which is the metric I typically have to use now. Hard to keep track of which side I'm supposedly shilling for as I get accused of both now fairly regularly.
I removed the accusation against you.
level 7
Thank you. I imagine being a new mod here is interesting to say the least. Keep up the good work, I know you only have the best intentions here.
level 6
You're welcome. If I had a penny for every time I've been called a shill I'd be able to buy ... a good cup of coffee, or maybe even a Big Mac Meal.
level 4
Held me understand something... which of these Vienna artists are Israeli: Florian Reither Tobias Urban Wolfgang Gantner Ali Janka sources:http://www.gelitin.net/uploaded/PDF/B-Thing/NYT180801.pdfhttps://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gelitin (World Trade Center, World Trade Center, New York, USA) https://www.amazon.com/Gelatin-Getting-All-Wrong-Again/dp/3883756539 Answer: None of them. This narrative is just complete antisemitic bullshit.
level 4
People elsewhere in the thread have shown that these are not Israeli art students, they're an Austrian art group.
I understand the need to be on guard from people pointlessly sowing doubt, but you went way over board here. The person's statement is correct. You should apologize.
9/11 was obviously covered up in some way. This post is not evidence of that, however, since it can be easily debunked.
level 4
I don't think so. I posted the link to the group in question for users to decide for themselves. This group of artists do all kinds of art projects. This is one of the many they create. I was just pointing out this title is misleading. I honestly believe 9/11 was done with the help of Israel. However, these guys were not part of that.
This is the group in question the project you are looking for is Project B.
level 1
There were several Israeli teams on 9/11.
The Gelatin Crew (pictured.)
The Art Dealers that were showing up at Government and Intelligence Agencies selling artwork.
The Moving Company. "They were there to document the event."
Ace Elevator Company. Small inexperienced elevator company got the contract shortly before 9/11. On 9/11 instead of staying to help first responders, they all bailed.
level 3
Absolutely they are. Also, Netanyahu and Larry Silverstein were good friends who talked on the phone weekly.
level 2
But wait, some random guy in the thread showed up and said we were wrong about the whole thing.
level 3
Well, tbf, they said the Gelatin Crew were Austrian not Israeli and that the fuse boxes wouldn't be used for demolition.
Fair enough, but there is still plenty of evidence that there was a large presence of Israeli/Mossad agents in and around the WTC.
Saying that "Israel did 9/11" doesn't make sense. They couldn't have done it alone. There was direct involvement in the crime and the cover up by members of the US Government and I believe Saudi Arabia and Pakistan participated to a lesser extent with the fake highjackers.
level 1
It makes the "Urban Movers" front even more compelling. Mossad were either involved or had foreknowledge. Dual Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff had the detained Israelis sent back to Israel with barely a peep from the MSM. I was watching the news when they arrested them and I remember shouting to my father "yea they got the bastards!" When it was reported that "Arab looking men" were arrested by the Brooklyn bridge and bomb sniffing dogs detected explosives in their van. I remember my dad and I arguing whether or not the buildings were brought down with explosives and at the time I figured those arrests proved me correct. I was shocked when I found out they were sent back to Israel and the MSM was flooded with the "pancake theory." The computer models they were using at the time were laughably inaccurate. If you go back and watch them, they completely discard the central core columns of the building and only show the outer columns and completely open floor space. The news stories in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 scream of a coverup. With all we know about the MSM today and their complicity with the NWO, it should be obvious that the OS is complete BS.
level 1
These are electrical fuses. Similar to a circuit breaker in your home electrical panel. NON explosive.
Source: I'm a journeyman electrician. And "little fuse" is a brand name of fuse.
Electrical current flows thru them and if the current gets too high, like during a short circuit, the fuse breaks inside, opening the circuit.
Gotta research this stuff before going on a witch hunt fellas..
level 2
Have experience in a couple of fields pertinent to this thread, and this image was either made by an ignorant person or is an intentionly weak dis-info distribution IMHO.
level 2
would an elaborate electrical network for demolition not use fuses?
Further more, these are fuse holders. Not circuit breakers.
level 3
There is no need for an electrical fuse holder for demolition "fuses"
They would use blasting caps, det cord and some kind of C4 or thermite or something. Completely different system that does not require these kind of fuse holders.. Totally wrong application and useless in this scenario.
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