The project "Heavenly Jerusalem" is a new Khazaria.
I would like to say a lot, especially when information is confirmed about the project of the Jews "Heavenly Jerusalem", whose execution is scheduled for 2020-2022 (the dates are slightly shifted due to the plandemic). Those. a disintegrating Ukraine must share territories with the New Israel. Heavenly Jerusalem according to the project should be created by Jews in 6 southern regions of modern Ukraine, which never historically belonged to it. Plus Crimea. In total, by the end of 2022, 6 million Jews from Israel and more than 12 million from Russia, the USA and the EU countries are expected to arrive in the New Motherland.
oleg_ezonikitin | Mar 4 2022, 15:09
Looking back, you can always understand what is happening now.
We, the Rosichs and the peoples who lived in tsarist Russia and the USSR, are even afraid to think about what would have happened to the Soviet Union if Stalin had not slightly stopped the Jewish machine then. For example, on the eve of 1937, Jews were still: 17 out of 20 members of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 17 out of 22 people's commissars, 113 out of 133 members of the board of the Council of People's Commissars, 106 out of 123 members of the board of the People's Commissariat of Finance, 50 out of 51 employees of the Political Directorate of the Red Army, 40 out of 40 members Department of Cultural Education. In the leadership of the OGPU, instead of 15.5% in 1923, there were already 53 Jews out of 59 people.
About the NKVD and the Gulag - I will only add that the leadership of individual camps was also almost all Jewish. By the beginning of the war, outright traitors and murderers of the Russian and other peoples living on the territory of Russia were exterminated. After the Great Patriotic War the work was continued. However, the murder of Stalin, and then Beria, went sideways to the peoples of the Soviet Union. After their death, the Jewish machine began to pick up speed again, controlled not only by the Jewish holy books and the Protocol of the Elders of Zion, but also by the Catechism of the Jew in the USSR, the rules of conduct for Jews among the Russian population. From reading it, the blood boils in a Russian person. Here are just a few quotes from this next, but still the same fascist Jewish conduit:
- Penetrate into leadership positions, into the working and peasant environment of the goyim, give them a lot of money, but even more vodka, so that they, conceived in a drunken stupor, degrade and really represent working cattle: money, vodka, sex and no spirituality!
- The world is cruel, there is no place for philanthropy in it. It is not our business to take care of the Slavic personnel in the USSR. God in spirit created them as slaves, and therefore all the Slavs, who infect other goyim with their propaganda, should lie at our feet in the first place.
- Remember: all highly paid, influential, profitable positions throughout Russia from the Carpathians to the Pacific Ocean - all this is our national income, which belongs to us by the right of our chosenness. At the same time, remember that many non-Jews, taking our example, can grow to our level, can take the places that should belong to us, the radiant sons of Israel.
- We have been waiting for forty centuries, no one even recognized us as a nation, but the hour of the decisive battle has struck, we are at the threshold of our Victory.
- The Slavs are indestructible as long as they have the rudiments of self-consciousness. Therefore, our task is to eradicate them from them. Soviet power in the USSR offers limitless opportunities for this. Use them, Jews of the USSR, and you will become masters of the entire space from the Carpathians to the Pacific Ocean.
- Twist the Russian brains, inflate the nerves. Suppress the will of those who object to you. Compromise the upstarts and screamers, set the pride of the crowd on the skeptics. This is especially important in matters of history, which stimulate the instinct of self-affirmation among the goyim, which, in turn, leads to self-consciousness, and the latter to pride. Therefore, we must create their history, take their literary criticism and any of the social sciences into our own hands, they must all receive in our refraction, in an acceptable and favorable light for us.
- If it is not possible to block and "dry" young and promising Russians, make them manageable. Attract them to your companies, create a dense ring of Jewish environment around them, deprive them of contacts and acquaintances besides you. Force them to marry Jewish women and only then open the green light for them. Don't be afraid, their children will still be ours. No Jewish woman will renounce her God's chosenness and raise her children accordingly. That is why it is said: "Whoever the calf jumps up, the calf is ours." In the name of this, give not only your daughter to the goy we need, but if it happens, do not be stingy with your wife, at least as a mistress. Influencing the goy in this way, you contribute to our holy cause. He will be completely under our influence, and besides, his salary and all other income will be included in our income.
- Jehovah, our God, bequeathed to us dominion over the whole world. Today we have it. Now our task is to keep this world in our hands. One of the two most important world colossi - the United States of America - does not cause concern in this respect. His national conglomerate has been worked out enough in the direction we want. But another colossus, the USSR, has not yet been completely subordinated to our efforts. On the part of the Russians, who do not make up such a multilingual conglomerate as in the United States, a herd explosion is possible, caused by national motives. At the moment of such an explosion, they will forget who is Russian, who is Ukrainian, who is Belarusian, and, remembering their blood relationship, they will move towards us in a single herd avalanche. Economic opposition is useless here. By nature they are greedy, but they never understood the true value of gold and everything behind it. At critical moments in their history, they have always preferred herd kinship to gold. Herd morality is above all for them. Therefore, keep in your hands the means of propaganda and information, the press, book publishing, radio, and cinema. We must continue to infiltrate the apparatus of party and state administration. Form public opinion around any issue, taking into account our interests. In every possible way support the goyim of Asian Muslim origin, for whom the luxury of inega is an ideal. May their great fertility exceed and absorb the Slavic element completely in the course of time. All the sons of Israel should not aspire to the State of Israel, otherwise the gentile provinces will remain outside our control. It is necessary to observe reasonable proportions in this matter, taking into account the fact that the State of Israel should become the leading and spiritual center.
Jews of the USSR, memorize this Catechism as the Law of Moses. Remember it and do it! But in order that not a single goy could read a single word of his, be prepared to sacrifice even your life!
- Use in your behavior the tried and tested method of the Jesuits for centuries: poison in the soul, honey in the tongue, a rearing tiger inside, meekness on the face.
I cannot but mention one of the most beloved Jewish methods of infiltrating power: the seduction of its leaders by Jewish women, recommended, by the way, by their Talmud. They had a very long experience in such matters, even from Ancient Russia itself, when the daughter of Rabbi Malusha, being the housekeeper of Princess Olga, at the instigation of her father, got drunk, seduced the married Prince Svyatoslav, became pregnant and gave birth to his son Vladimir. From a young age, Vladimir was brought up by his brother Malusha, who was distinguished by extreme cruelty and hatred of the Russians. He sent Vladimir to Western Russia, where the Jews (according to other sources, black magicians) took up his training. They taught him their laws qualitatively, besides, he himself was half a Jew, and when he grew up, he mercilessly and treacherously killed his paternal brother Yaropolk, the legitimate heir to power, seizing it. Following the Torah
The practice of introducing Jews into power was actively used by Jews in Soviet times. Many prominent figures in the party and government had Jewish wives, for example, Andreev, Bukharin, Voroshilov, Dzerzhinsky, Kirov, Kosarev, Lunacharsky, Molotov, Rykov. This list can be continued for a long time, so how it ends with Brezhnev, who died shortly before the collapse of the USSR. And even Marshal Zhukov was married to a Jewess by his first marriage, and only during the war he "dared" to have a second marriage with a Russian.
So the teachings and instructions of the Torah and the Talmud in the USSR were embodied by Jews in life strictly. In addition to these sacred books, there was also the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a collection of texts that appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, which, according to some publishers, were the protocols of the reports of the participants in the Zionist Congress held in Switzerland in 1897. One way or another, the protocols became play an important role in the theory of the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy.
They outline plans for Jews to conquer world domination, infiltrate government structures, take control of non-Jews, and describe in detail various ways to deceive the "goyim nations", in particular, the propaganda of all ideas that can undermine the established order in politics, including Darwinism, Marxism, socialism, communism; creating the impression of freedom, rights and democracy to cover up actual oppressive acts; undermining the financial system through loans, creating national bankruptcies, etc. Even the corruption of non-Jews by pornography has not been overlooked.
Answer me: didn't the Jews you know act exactly as ordered to them in the Protocols and the Catechism?
Have you met at least one Jew like us: open, straightforward, honest, indifferent to money and power? And also answer, what have the Jews not achieved in today's capital-liberal-democratic Russia from the tasks that were set before them in the Catechism?
Guided by this very "Catechism" and having hastened the death of Stalin, the Jews embarked on a new stage of anti-Soviet activity - the collapse of the USSR. In this villainy, they acted in concert with the Dulles Plan to undermine Soviet power from within, developed even before the end of the Second World War. Only now, having studied the Jewish documents, one can see their complete identity with the Dulles Plan. He probably used the Jewish Catechism when writing his Plan.
Just as Hitler used the Jewish Talmud when writing Mein Kampf. The similarity of all five documents cannot but be evident.
Judge for yourself. Struck by the results of the Second World War, in which the whole of Europe, led by Germany, was at war with the Soviet Union, which was financed by Jewish banks from all over the world, and in which the USSR was to be destroyed, by the heroism and solidarity of the Soviet people and convinced that the Soviet Union was in open opposition to America no way to win, Dulles developed a sabotage war plan against us, which consisted in "stupefying and fooling the Soviet people." For this war, he writes, "we will throw everything we have - all the gold, all the material power." At the same time, he did the calculation on the fact that - I quote verbatim: “The human brain, the consciousness of people are capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values with false ones and make them believe in them. How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself.”
Almost verbatim to the instructions from the Catechism, isn't it? But I keep reading. “Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most recalcitrant people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of its self-consciousness, will be played out. We will gradually eradicate their social essence from literature and art. Literature, theatres, cinema will display and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists, who will plant and hammer into the human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, any immorality. In government, we will create chaos and confusion... Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and no one will need them, they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, first of all, enmity and hatred for the Russian people - we will cultivate all this deftly and imperceptibly, all this will bloom in a terry flower. And only a few, very few will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughing stock, finding a way to slander them and declare them the dregs of society ...
We will place our main stake on young people, we will begin to corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them. We will make cynics, vulgarities, cosmopolitans out of them. This is how we'll do it."
In this vile business, the Americans and the Jews could not help but act in concert. first of all, enmity and hatred towards the Russian people - all this we will deftly and imperceptibly cultivate, all this will bloom in a double flower.

Separately, I would like to say about Nikita Khrushchev, as a small digression. Khrushchev, on the instructions of Churchill, organized the largest military disaster near Kharkov in 1942 in order to open the way for the Nazis to Stalingrad, to the Volga ..... As planned, after the capture of Stalingrad, Turkey and Japan were to enter the war against the USSR. Because of the actions of Khrushchev, tens of thousands of Soviet soldiers and officers died. Of course, Abbakumov was supposed to bring Rukhle's information to STALIN ..... However, he was mistaken ... As a result, he himself was IMPOSSIBLY shot by Khrushchev in the summer of 1953 ... With the coming to power, Khrushchev organized the murder of all witnesses to his Vile and Vile role in Kharkov tragedy, as well as those who witnessed many of his unpleasant deeds .... This scoundrel worked for the British for a long time .... They helped him to survive several times, killing witnesses ....

Khrushchev gave invaluable help to the Jews in the USSR, and together with them to the Americans and the British, by his thoughtless exposure of the personality cult of Stalin. Very correctly assessed the result of exposing the cult and Stalin. Molotov, saying about the 20th congress: «If before him we were respected by 70% of the people of the earth, then after him they will not be respected». With the help of the Jews, Khrushchev untied the hands of the enemies of the Soviet Union and the socialist system. The Jew immediately clung to Stalin. Realizing that you won't understand much about the cult of his personality, because the cult was an outstanding personality, they inextricably linked repression with socialism, putting a sign of equality between them. Actually, the ideas of socialism and its social values, developing according to their laws, have no relation to the personalities of the country's leaders. Although, of course, they accelerated or slowed down the progress of the construction and development of socialism, but its essence remains unchanged: state ownership of all natural resources, factories and factories, thanks to which Soviet people had free housing, health care, education, kindergartens and pioneer camps, almost free housing services, transportation in public transport (3-5 kopecks), cost of gasoline and gas (14 and 0.3 kopecks) and so on.
Under socialism, it is unacceptable for all or most of the country's wealth to be owned by an insignificant group of citizens or one of the nations and nationalities that inhabited the country.
In addition, socialism offered the message of a society of social automobile and regency.
And this is for the Jews, like a sickle between the legs: "How, we, the chosen ones, will be equated with the goyim?" Therefore, socialism categorically did not suit the Jews and therefore they connected it with repression under Stalin. I am not knowingly calling them Stalinist, let's see that there are a lot of names for them Jewish and Judaic, looking at the activists of the Jews in the current repressions.
In the era of Brezhnev, associated by Jewish democrats with his frail appearance in old age and therefore turned into an object of ridicule, the life of Soviet people approached the standards of the most developed capitalist countries in the absence of their inherent homelessness and poverty. Peace and stability reigned in the country, which was confirmed by a population growth of a million a year - right, a "small" difference with today's "achievements" in this area? The presence of wealth among people was confirmed by the fact that gold items, furs, crystal, carpets, and household appliances instantly disappeared from stores.
Even if we agree that there was stagnation in the USSR under Brezhnev, but from which the capitalists shuddered, then the reason for it was social dependency, calmness and confidence of the Soviet people that all their benefits that they had would remain forever due to the ability of socialism give them to their citizens, even if they stop working with full dedication to society.
And the fault of such dependency was ideological stagnation. The country was in dire need of an urgent ideological and theoretical breakthrough (which Stalin spoke about) in terms of comprehending the post-industrial information era that had begun, but in the leadership of the USSR there was no figure capable of such a scientific feat like Deng Xiaoping in China. Brezhnev, for example, honestly admitted when they tried to drag him into a discussion of theoretical problems: "I'm not in this area, I'm an organizer."
This omission of the leadership of the USSR could not but take advantage of the Jews, who began to call themselves first dissidents, and then democrats. They accepted with great joy the seizure of the country's leadership by Gorbachev, whose "old dream and goal of his whole life" "was the destruction of communism." Of course, power was not seized by Gorbachev, the collapse of the USSR was carried out by the KGB, headed by the Jew Yuri Andropov, who skillfully purged all the Stalinists from the ranks of the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Communist Party. The words of M. Gorbachev are indicative, very similar in meaning to the actions of those Jews, Jews, Trotskyists and their children who broke into the CPSU by hook or by crook: “It was to achieve this goal that I used my position in the party and consistently occupied more and more high position in the country. When I personally got acquainted with the West, I realized I can't back down from my goal. And to achieve it, I had to replace the entire leadership of the CPSU and the USSR. And replaced by the same traitors as Yakovlev and Yeltsin.
For the Jews, the "golden time" has come. All media, publishing houses, television were captured by them, the main target of which was the entire Soviet past. Now, when Gorbachev is anathematized by the Russian people, for the Jews he is almost a second Moses.
They also idolize another traitor, Yeltsin, although, purely hypocritically, they publicly allow criticism of him in order to appear closer to the people, whom they care about only in the sense that he should die out as quickly as possible, which he did all post-Soviet years.
This Jewish dream was expressed by the main robber of Russia, the Jew Chubais (Sagal), with a question completely consonant with the Catechism: “Why do we need so many people if we cannot feed them? It’s okay if 30 million die, they didn’t fit into the market.”
I don’t remember whether he named a figure that satisfies him for the remainder of the Russian population, to serve the extraction and processing of raw materials, but after his words, the figure of 15 million people was firmly established, perhaps because the iron lady Thatcher stopped there. They, I mean, the Jews, England, the States, acted as one team to destroy the USSR.
Here is how Yeltsin's friend, US President Clinton, said about it: “We achieved what Truman was going to do with the Soviets through the atomic bomb.
True, with one significant difference - we received a raw material appendage, and not a state destroyed by the atom ... In four years, we and our allies received various raw materials worth fifteen billion, hundreds of tons of gold, silver, precious stones, etc. We were transferred to non-existent projects for negligible sums of over twenty thousand tons of copper, almost fifty thousand tons of aluminum, two thousand tons of cesium, beryllium, strontium, etc.”
The cunning Clinton did not say that all this was done through the Jews, who seized all the natural resources in Russia and the corresponding posts in the field of foreign trade. We remember Chubais' instructions on the sale of mines and metallurgical plants and factories at loans-for-shares auctions. Then and a little later, in fraud with the help of these same auctions for American and British money for 3% of the real value, the now infamous crooks - the oligarchs Berezovsky, Abramovich, Deripaska and other Jews - became the owners of oil fields, aluminum and other plants.
The criminal nature of these privatizations is evidenced by the fact that Deripaska's partners were well-known criminals, of course Jews, the Cherny brothers. And the US billionaire Jew Soros financed Berezovsky's acquisition of Sibneft from the state in the name of his junior partner Abramovich for $100 million. In September 2005, Putin ordered to buy the same Sibneft from Abramovich for $13.1 billion from the state treasury. Now both oligarchs have settled in England and are suing over Putin's billions.
The question arises, what guided Putin when he gave the people's billions to the Jew, knowing full well that they would leave the country.
And at the same time, when the Jews were fabulously enriched, the Russian people, starting in 1992, began to die out by a million people every year.
After Yeltsin, little-known and seemingly invisible Putin came to power, approved by his family and powerful oligarchs, who immediately became Israel's beloved President of Russia, as evidenced by his surprisingly frequent meetings with Russia's Chief Rabbi B. Lazar. Lazar is a citizen of three states: the United States, in whose service he works, Israel, whose interests he defends, and Russia, which he ruins.
The head of Chabad in Russia is Berl Lazar.
Under Vladimir Putin, he became the Chief Rabbi of Russia (2000), replacing the moderate Adolf Shayevich in this post. Moreover, the change took place under strange circumstances in the spirit of a special operation. Of the twenty rabbis who voted for Berl Lazar, eighteen were not Russian citizens. On the eve of the vote, nothing foreshadowed such an outcome, but the Kremlin intervened and Berl Lazar won. Putin immediately granted Berl Lazar Russian citizenship, violating the law he himself had signed. Before that, Ber l Lazar had Israeli and American citizenship, and now he has triple citizenship.
That is, Vladimir Putin, the former head of the FSB of Russia, already in the first year of his presidency, opened a wide road for Chabad in the country with his own hands.
Berl Lazar about Putin: “Never before has any leader of Russia or the USSR done so much for the Jews as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In every way, this is unprecedented. Ariel Sharon in conversations with me repeatedly emphasized that "we have Jews and Israel has the greatest friend in the Kremlin." Now many mayors of Russian cities, heads of regions and ministers are Jews. It has become the norm. Today, the highest leaders of Russia often come to our Center (in Maryina Roshcha), it has become a routine. Dmitry Medvedev, three days before the announcement of the president's successor, also came to our Center, where he promised that everything would be in the best possible way for us. We will get more than we can even wish for.

Today, the actions of this rabbi are visible - a member of the Judeo-Nazi-Hasidic Chabad movement, whose ideology is the statement "Jews are above everything, and Chabad is above Jews."
By the way, in the early 1930s, Stalin, who at one time studied at the Tiflis Theological Seminary and was well versed in matters of religion, expelled Chabad from the USSR as a fascist sect. But in 1990 the Chabadniks again occupied Russia. I will quote with what pride the winner Lazar reported to the American Chabad Center: “Russia has known many revolutions, but the most peaceful, quietest and most effective is the revolution that Chabad envoys made.” Obviously, for this Jewish destruction of the USSR, Putin awarded the Chabadnik with four of Russia's highest awards: the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Minin and Pozharsky,
This is what is happening in Russia, not covered up and brazenly. And now we come to the "#HeavenlyJerusalem" project.

There were no plans to create Jewish statehood!
What just did not offer the Jews in all seriousness. Uganda, northwestern Australia, the Jewish Autonomous Region with Birobidzhan as its capital, even Greenland. At one time, for the idea of Jewish autonomy in the Crimea, they shot the entire Jewish elite of the USSR.
And now - a chic offer, which is difficult to refuse: to occupy the entire south of Ukraine with Jews. It was made by the leader of the Great Ukraine party, Igor Berkut, who obviously does not speak Ukrainian, but knows something about Israeli realities, albeit very superficially. Yes, and his party in Ukraine is unobtrusive and unremarkable, and now, with the receipt of Israeli citizenship, Gekko will completely fall apart.
According to I. Berkut, the author of the idea and the executive director of the project: “The design of the #NewJerusalem“ 5 + 5 + 5 ”, starting from 2014, the first five years is the decay and decomposition of the existing system, the next five years, this is destruction and fragmentation after 19 years, and the next five years, after 2024, reformatting. 2029 is the first step for NI"
Thus, by the end of 2029, about 5 million Jews are expected to arrive in the New Motherland to build the New Jerusalem.
Prime Minister of Israel B. Netanyahu has already discussed the organization of the resettlement and settlement of Jews, as well as possible economic and political assistance in the implementation of the project, with the current Prime Minister of Ukraine V. Groysman, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, senior adviser to US President Donald Trump and a member of the influential Jewish organization Chabad Lubavitch, Jared Kushner.
The project receives support from well-known public figures, political scientists and analysts: V. Pozner, Y. Kadmi, V. Solovyov, E. Satanovsky, D. Gordon, D. Dzhangirov, M. Pogribinsky, R. Bortnik.
It is noteworthy that despite its scale of the project, it is not covered either in the world or even in the local Ukrainian press (meaning the central media channels), with very rare exceptions.
Almost all information about the project implementation comes from its executive director Igor Berkut. See the video interview of I. Berkut covering the progress of the project at the end of the post.
The official announcement of the New Jerusalem project is planned to be made after the adoption of the law on the decentralization of Ukraine in 2021-2022 (the plans were slightly shifted due to the well-known fakedemia). In July 2019, Switzerland allocated €25 million, including for the decentralization of Ukraine.
The New Jerusalem project started in early 2017 with the landing in the port of Odessa of the first group of immigrants from Israel, headed by I. Berkut. This group of 183 Jewish pioneers arrived in Ukraine from Haifa (Israel) to lay the first stone in the foundation of Heavenly Jerusalem on the fertile land of southern Ukraine.
The management of the New Jerusalem will be entrusted to the "Council of Benevolent" consisting of 12 leaders:
1. A native of Kyiv, Golda Meir, 5th Prime Minister of the State of Israel, was declared Honorary Eternal Head of the Council;
2. B. Netanyahu will become the Chairman-Prime Minister, after the end of the powers of the Prime Minister in the State of Israel;
3. The former head of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, will manage the finances;
4. Defense issues will be in charge of the current Minister of Defense of Israel, a native of Chisinau, Avigdor Lieberman;
5. The secret services will be headed by Yakov Kedmi, former head of the Bureau for Relations with Jews of the USSR and Eastern Europe “Nativ”, born in Moscow;
6. Political scientist and publicist Avigdor Eskin, who was born in Moscow, will be in charge of foreign affairs;
7. Internal affairs will be entrusted to the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the State of Israel, Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky;
8. The well-known Russian TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov will head the media;
9. Questions of justice will be decided by a native of Crimea, lawyer Tatyana Montyan;
10. The Speaker of the Council will be the former President of the Russian Jewish Congress Evgeny Satanovsky;
11. The chief rabbi is supposed to appoint an ethnic Ashkenazi Khazar version of the appearance of this branch of the tree of Israel;
12. Hidden Apostle
It is planned to create two capitals in New Jerusalem: the first, political and business capital, will be located in today's city of Dnepropetrovsk and will be called consonant with the New Jerusalem project, the second, cultural, will be located in Odessa and will be called "Adessa".
All this information is freely available on Wikipedia. Link at the end of the post.
It would seem that it is time for the whole world to pay attention to such a project, because it is being led by none other than the forerunner of Moshiach himself. The press claims that Berkut is none other than Mashiach Ben Yosef or the "Preliminary Messiah", who will be followed by Moshiach Ben David or the "Heavenly Messiah".
Berkut Igor Vitalievich, aka Igor Vitalievich Gekko (Harry) was born on August 19, 1964 in Severodonetsk.
In 1986 he graduated from MVOKU.
In 1986-1987, he was the commander of a reconnaissance platoon in the Central Group of Forces.
In 1987 he went to the war in Afghanistan as a commander of a separate reconnaissance platoon, head of reconnaissance of a battalion.
In 1991-1992 he received a financial education in the United States.
In July 1993, together with his American partner Gregory Knowle Studer, he registered JSC TEXAKABANK in Kazakhstan.
In 1992-2006 he worked in the financial and banking sector.
Since 2001 - in politics.
Since September 15, 2006 - Chairman of the Central Council of the Great Ukraine political party.
He got into the database of the site "Peacemaker" as allegedly a "separatist".
What's in front of us for a couple?
On the video of the Rassvet TV channel (video at the end of the post), Igor Berkut is very serious. Introducing the sexy assistant Sarah, who periodically appears in the frame, he notifies that she is part of a joint project to create a "Heavenly Jerusalem" in Ukraine. That is, Sarah, at least, should carry some function and semantic load, except for give-bring. Only a good actor or a well-trained provocateur can carry such pseudo-scientific nonsense with a serious physiognomy, like Berkut's.

However, the trouble with all these crooks is that there is an old belief in the world that clearly understands HOW IT REALLY HAPPENED. And it is precisely because of such "ber-kuts" that the Old Believers' scribes do not tell all the secrets of the past, so as not to put into the hands of such people the strongest weapon - information.
Now we will unravel the secret of Sarah.
And for this you will have to look again into the Jewish Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim.
And the secret of the Jews is such that “if you sow a woman,” points to Mashiach ben David, for a woman hints at royalty. And the divine soul of Ben David is sown in a woman “and will bear a son” (Vayikra 12:2) points to the son of Yosef.
That is, according to the idea of Heavenly Jerusalem, this "sexy Sarah" should give birth to a child-son from the Ukrainian Gekko, who will become the embodiment of Moshiach on earth.
Before us, another White Brotherhood is unfolding, the goal of which is to cut down more money, and if it works out, then hang another legend about their exclusivity on gullible Ukrainians. After all, Moshiach will be born on their territory. See what is happening in Uman for the Jewish New Year, celebrated by the Hasidim. And this is just the grave of their rabbi and nothing more. And what will happen if Sarah gives birth to a baby in Dnepropetrovsk-Dnepr (New Jerusalem). Yes, Ukrainians will cut themselves to the root, especially if they give vodka and money for this.
If all this takes on a real shape and followers of this idea appear, Gekko will not lack money and adherents of his new party. They give money for such projects, because this is the reformatting of Ukraine in general into a state that will get out of control of Russia and even Europe. I think this is an American-Israeli project that has all the potential to come true. Well, the local natives will be presented with so much evidence of holiness that crests, completely distraught by the number of their churches, will trample the priests of all denominations along with their trebs in the direction indicated by the sawn-off shotgun with a bang. Well, here is the version from Gekko and Sarah. I predict a severe blow to "Orthodoxy" in Ukraine and problems for other confessions.
Of course, all this is outlined schematically, but carefully watching Berkut, you understand that this person will go to great lengths for the sake of power and money. By the way, a serious psychologist is involved in the production of this show, which can be seen from a number of techniques used in the broadcast of the "Dawn" programs. However, the topic is so dangerous that everything is done on the verge of trolling, so that there is always the opportunity to write off everything as a prank. The leaders of many sects, including the White Brotherhood, had to serve time for their activities. This couple looks smarter and competently exploits the idea "Ukrainians and Jews are one people." However, I repeat once again that Gekko himself and his Sarah use the services of a good master of psychology.
But what this couple knows very well is the words of Trotsky-Bronstein, on which their entire project is based:
- Only boundless gullibility and compliance, as well as the lack of awareness of the need for constant, strong adhesion of all members of the state, not only during the war, each time ruined all the gains of Ukrainians. That is why they early lost their “independence” and now live under Lithuania, then under Poland, then under Austria and Russia, constituting a very valuable part of these powers. These everyday features of the character of Ukrainians must be remembered by every agitator and his success will be ensured.
(Leo Trotsky, Instructions to communist agitators in Ukraine ("Speech of the People's Commissar Comrade Trotsky to female students")
Igor Berkut says: “Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny…” Is it really true? As is well known, representatives of more than 130 nationalities and nationalities live on the territory of Ukraine. How many of them are ready to agree with such a statement? How many of them are ready to start studying the basics of Judaism and pass the relevant exams in order to receive a certificate from Jews who arrived from Israel, giving them the right to work in their native Ukraine? How many Orthodox people or Muslims want their children to join the youth organization of the "Cossacks-Jews" (analogous to the Soviet Komsomol)?
At the moment, the tragedy of the murder of the Slavic people by fascist Jews is being played out on the land of the Rosichs, who not only pitted our people in a bloody war in the Donbas, who not only settled in synagogues, churches and all power structures, but also who, like their owners, bring to sacrifice our children and also sell them for organs. And the task of the Rosichs is to wake up from this madness and turn to face those who are killing us.
Heavenly Jerusalem Project.
Interview given by Igor Berkut
All these are real realities and one should not think that these are his sick fantasies. Everything is underway.
Heavenly Jerusalem on Wikipedia
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