Latest Pfizer Document Dump Shows the Company Had to Hire 2,400 New Employees to Handle Wave of COVID “Vaccine” Adverse Events

ER Editor: Readers may also be interested in this piece by Dr. Meryl Nass, who cites the same statistic below. See Three discoveries that should make you think twice, or thrice about COVID vaccinations.
See this by Michel Chossudovsky about the early reporting (by February, 2021) of deaths and adverse events known to be caused by the vaccine: Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data:
“Have you seen the document dump on the Pfizer vaccine data? It’s a bombshell. No wonder the FDA fought to keep it hidden for 55 years.
Here is the quick takeaway:
By February of 2021, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.
Bear in mind, this is Pfizer’s own data.” Election Wizard
Little wonder that they had to hire 2,400 extra employees by June of last year (within a six-month period of vaccine rollout).
Latest Pfizer Document Dump Shows the Company Had to Hire 2,400 New Employees to Handle Wave of COVID “Vaccine” Adverse Events

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has produced another 11,043 pages of Pfizer documents, one of them showing that the company had to hire an additional 2,400 employees to handle the onslaught of adverse reactions caused by its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine.”
Page 6 of FDA-CBER-2021-5683-0000059 clearly states:
“Due to the large numbers of spontaneous adverse event reports received for the product, the MAH [marketing authorization holder] has prioritized the processing of serious cases, in order to meet expedited regulatory reporting timelines and ensure these reports are available for signal detection and evaluation activity.”
The document goes on to reveal that Pfizer did “multiple actions to help alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports.”
“This includes significant technology enhancements and process and workflow solutions, as well as increasing the number of data entry and case processing colleagues. To date, Pfizer has onboarded approximately 600 additional full-time employees (FTEs). More are joining each month with an expected total of more than 1,800 additional resources by the end of June 2021.”
Remember when Albert Bourla denied these adverse effects and said that people who talk about them are “criminals?”
Company CEO Albert Bourla, meanwhile, has condemned anyone who dares to speak up about these revelations.
Any person who even suggests that Pfizer’s Fauci Flu shot is dangerous should be designated as a “criminal,” Bourla insisted. According to him, saying anything “negative” about the injections constitutes “misinformation” – this being a common sociopathic trait.
The Pfizer document ends with nine full pages of reported adverse events – you know, the ones that Bourla does not want any “criminals” talking about. Many of them are autoimmune-related, which makes sense in the context of vaccination.
Thousands, if not millions, of people were punished for just saying no to these deadly injections. For the “crime” of refusing to have their immune systems damaged, the non-jabbed lost their jobs, were removed from school, and in some cases, became homeless simply for trying to protect themselves.
Many are calling this whole jab situation the greatest conspiracy of our lifetime, and it really looks like it. And the sad part is that it is still not over, as people continue to face the ultimatum of either obeying Big Pharma or sacrificing their freedoms.
“While everyone’s eyes have been on Ukraine, the World Health Organization (WHO) has quietly moved forward with a ‘pandemic treaty,’” warned Strange Sounds. “This law will supersede state law for any countries who sign into it. And Republicans joined with Democrats to pass the national digital vaccine registry.”
This registry, in case you missed hearing about it, will log every American’s vaccination status with the government. That way, the authorities will know who to round up for disobedience at some later date.
So, while it might seem like COVID is mostly over at this point, do not be fooled. It is far from over. The plan is to birth a new global infrastructure out of the sham that will eventually force all human beings to either take whatever injections they are told or be punished.
“The Great Reset is in full swing!” Strange Sounds further warned. “Get ready!”
In the comment section, someone wrote that people should be reminded that the government has repeatedly stated that there are too many people on the planet.
“They also believe that you are one of those too many people,” this person added.
Another wrote that the government continues to “serve up ‘goulash’ and everyone thinks it’s just awesome when no one knows the long-term effects,” referring to the injections.
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