lauantai 29. helmikuuta 2020

Evidence for IV Vitamin C

Yet More Evidence for IV Vitamin C

vitamin iv dripThere’s yet another study we can add to those we blogged about earlier this year, research showing how IV vitamin C can deliver big benefits in a variety of health situations.
A new study in Chest provides good evidence that an IV cocktail of vitamin C, thiamine (vitamin B1), and hydrocortisone may be extraordinarily effective for treating sepsis – a deadly condition that occurs when the body’s response to an infection damages its own organs.
The study compared the clinical outcomes of 47 septic patients treated with this cocktail during a 7-month period with those of 47 septic ICU patients treated conventionally before the study began.
Did the patients live? That was the main outcome the authors were concerned with. After all, sepsis kills up to 50% of the time. As the NIH notes, deaths from sepsis outnumber deaths from prostate cancer, breast cancer, and AIDS combined.
In the current study, just over 40% of patients in the control group died – vs. 8.5% in the vitamin C group, none of them from the sepsis itself but their underlying diseases.
As NPR reported, of the approximately 150 septic patients treated thus far by the lead author – Dr. Paul Marik of Eastern Virginia School of Medicine – only one has died of sepsis.
That’s a phenomenal claim, considering that of the million Americans a year who get sepsis, about 300,000 die.
“So that’s the equivalent of three jumbo jets crashing every single day,” Marik said.
Dr. Marik is now conducting and NIH-funded study of the treatment, controlled, double-blinded, and occurring at several universities. Suffice it to say, we look forward to seeing the results.
Of course, those of us for whom IV C is no novelty aren’t quite as surprised by these results as the mainstream media has seemed to be. We’ve known, for instance, that delivered intravenously – which lets the body absorb far more of the nutrient than it could if the vitamin were taken orally – vitamin C can have a profound effect on the immune system and inflammatory markers.
In fact, some of the earliest documented uses of IV C were for the treatment of infection. As the Riordan Clinic points out, from the 1930s to the 1970s, physicians successfully treated a wide variety of viral infections with high dose vitamin C: polio, diphtheria, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, chicken pox, influenza, measles, mumps, and viral pneumonia, among others.

THE FENTON REACTION: pro-oxydant role of vitamin C

Dr. Klenner published all studies of a variety of diseases successfully treated through massive injections of vitamin C and suggested that that due to effectiveness of injectable vitamin C, this vitamin can be considered as a super antibiotic.

Today, high dose IV C to treat infections of all sorts is the most common use by integrative physicians. According to a 2010 study in PLoS ONE, nearly half of uses for high dose IV C were precisely for that: treating infection. Importantly, the authors note in their conclusions that “high dose intravenous vitamin C appears to be remarkably safe.” Out of more than 9300 patients they had data for, only about 1% (101 patients) experienced any kind of side effects at all, and most were minor.
The safety and efficacy of high dose IV vitamin C is precisely why holistic, integrative medical clinics like ours continue to provide this valuable therapy among other drip therapies available to our patients, both those who are seeking healing, as well as those who want to take their already good health to the next level, to transform it into Radiant Health.


tiistai 25. helmikuuta 2020

Bill Gates owns the patent on coronavirus

Bill Gates funded the PIRBRIGHT institute, which owns the patent on coronavirus
01/27/2020 / By Ethan Huff

Believe it or not, the coronavirus strain that’s currently spreading throughout China and abroad is a patented virus that’s owned by an entity called The Pirbright Institute, which is partially funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


The patent page for coronavirus explains that it “may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject,” suggesting that this is just another weaponized viral strain designed to sell more useless, deadly vaccines, while at the same time killing off a few thousand, or perhaps a few million, people.
A close look at the patent page also shows that the Pirbright Institute owns all sorts of other virus patents, including one for African swine fever virus, which is listed as a “vaccine.” It is thus no surprise that Bill Gates is a Pirbright Institute financial backer, seeing as how he’s one of the most aggressive, vaccine-pushing “philanthropists” on the planet.
The way this whole coronavirus situation is taking shape would seem to be exactly what Gates once proposed as a “solution” to the alleged problem of “overpopulation.” At an infamous TED Talk, Gates explained that vaccines are one of the keys to reducing global population levels, and what better way to do that than to unleash patented coronavirus on the masses in order to later introduce a patented vaccine for it?
For more related news about coronavirus and other weaponized viruses being unleashed by eugenicists like Bill Gates, be sure to check out

Bill and Melinda Gates hosted “Event 201” back in October, described as a “high-level pandemic exercise”

What’s further interesting is that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a “high-level pandemic exercise” back in October that involved discussions about how “public / private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel

Held in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum, this latest endeavor by Bill Gates is highly suspicious, to say the least, especially when considering that it was held just in time for the coronavirus outbreak.

As is usually the case with suspicious disease outbreaks that get the media and academia talking about new vaccines and public-private partnerships, Bill Gates’ fingerprints are almost always hiding in the background. And this is exactly the case with coronaviruses, which could accomplish many of Gates’ expectations for the future, including mass depopulation, mass vaccination and mass consolidation of government power.
“These events are increasing, and they are disruptive to health, economies, and society,” reads an announcement about “Event 201,” as they called it, or the meeting with Gates and his cronies from back in October.
“Managing these events already strains global capacity, even absent a pandemic threat. Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these pandemics becomes global – a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences. A severe pandemic, which becomes ‘Event 201,’ would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions.”

This reads like a predictive script for what we’re now seeing with coronavirus, as governments around the world scramble to “manage” this deadly outbreak with martial law, vaccine fast-tracking, quarantines and plenty of fear-mongering.
“If we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower [the global population] by perhaps about 10 to 15 percent,” Gates is infamously quoted as saying about the true intent of his “humanitarian” efforts.
Be sure to stay tuned for more breaking news about the developing coronavirus crisis.

Sources for this article include:

perjantai 14. helmikuuta 2020

Judaism’s Strange Gods

"Marching to Zion" Exposes "Chosen People" Scam - Video Document

Michael Hoffman Judaism's Strange Gods

Download free eBook

Michael A Hoffman II, historian and writer, is the founder of Independent History & Research. He was educated at the University of New York and is a former reporter for the New York Bureau of the Associated Press.

Hoffman is the author of several books, including the well known, Judaism’s Strange Gods. His newsletter, The Hoffman Wire, is sent out weekly to thousands of supporters.


Interview With Michael A Hoffman

Br Nathanael:
 Is Judaism based on the Old Testament Scriptures?

Michael Hoffman: No. By the time of Christ, Judaism was based on the “Oral Law.” The New Testament speaks of this as the “traditions of the elders.” Jesus Christ denounced and condemned the “traditions of the elders” in the Gospel of John Chapter 5 and in the Gospel of Mark Chapter 7.
After the Jewish leadership crucified Jesus Christ, and their subsequent killings and persecution of Christians throughout the Roman world, the rabbis committed to writing the “traditions of the elders” which formed the first part of the Talmud called the Mishnah.
This occurred in Babylon toward the end of the second century A.D. All subsequent books of the Talmud were composed in Babylon from the third century until the end of the sixth century A.D.

Br Nathanael: Is then Judaism based on the Talmud and not on the Bible?

Michael Hoffman: The hermeneutic system of Judaism is not based on the Bible but on the Talmud. This must be understood when dealing with the rabbis and their submissive flock. Judaism, though much in vogue with Evangelicals and Roman Catholics, is totally alien to the only Biblical religion on earth today, Christianity.

Br Nathanael: You said above that Jesus Christ denounced the traditions of the elders? How so?

Michael Hoffman: The rabbis teach that the revelation granted to Moses had been delivered in two forms, a smaller revelation in writing, and the larger one kept oral.
The rabbis claim that the so-called “oral revelation” had been transmitted by the leaders of each generation to their successors—by Moses to Joshua; and then to the elders; to the prophets; to the men of the Sanhedrin; to the leaders of the Pharisees; and finally to the earliest rabbis who saw themselves as heirs of the Pharisees.
This supposed transmission of the Oral Law, the “tradition of the elders,” was challenged by Jesus who termed it “commandments of men which nullify the Word of God.”
Thus Jesus made the tale of the transmission a fraud. It is a lie concocted in hell to claim that Moses issued two sets of law, one written and public - the other oral and secret. In the entire Bible there is nothing to support this imposture.

Br Nathanael: So the oral tradition of the Jews is not consonant with the Old Testament?

Michael Hoffman: Not at all. The spurious claim of an oral “tradition of the elders” bequeathed by God to Moses is anti-Biblical, just as Jesus asserted.
Christ very simply illuminated the fact that if the Pharisaic tradition had indeed been from Moses, then they would have become Christians. For Christ rebuked them saying, “Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me, for he wrote of Me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe My words?”
Here Jesus annihilated in one stroke the basis for the religion of Judaism and its conceit of an oral tradition given to it by Moses. For had such a tradition existed it would have testified of Jesus the Messiah. Instead, Christ tells them point blank that they do not follow Moses!

Br Nathanael: When speaking of the centrality of the Talmud in Judaism, you refer to the “rabbis and their submissive flock.” How then does the Jewish secularist figure into this submissive flock?

Michael Hoffman: All of those within the polity of Judaism, even the Jewish secularist, give tacit allegiance to the rabbis. How often have we heard from any of them when challenged with the Messiahship of Jesus, this response: But the rabbis do not believe in Jesus!
Well of course they do not believe! How could they? For as Jesus stated in his reproof to the Pharisees, their tradition is a denial of what Moses wrote about the coming of the Messiah in the Person of Jesus Christ. Moreover, as regards the Jewish secularist, he exhibits the same chauvinism and racism as the Talmudists.

Br Nathanael: With the Talmud being the basis of Judaism, how then does one bring the Gospel message to the rabbis and their followers?

Michael Hoffman: When presenting Old Testament proofs of the Messiahship of Jesus to the rabbis and their followers - one must penetrate the iron-clad grid of the Talmudic mind-set which according to Christ’s assertion makes the Scriptures of none effect.
From the outset, the Christian must realize that the rabbis and their followers do not know their own Scriptures, and for that matter, do not care to know them. For they view the Talmud as superceding the Scriptures. Much patience is required when bringing the Gospel message to them, and perhaps at times, stern reproofs are necessary.

Br Nathanael: What do you mean by saying that the Jewish secularist exhibits the same chauvinism and racism as believers in the Talmud?

Michael Hoffman: The main tenet of Judaism is Jewish self-worship. Judaism has as its “god,” not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but the worship of the Jewish people.
Jewish self-worship is at the core of the Talmud. The secularist amongst them shares in this self-worship. For the Talmud teaches that the Gentile is a lower form of humanity. They all believe that they have this special-ness about them, believing the myth that they, not the Christians, are the “chosen people.”
Coupled with the false notion that they are the “chosen people” - regardless of their unethical conduct, their gross distortions of the God of the Bible, their unbelief, their hatred of Biblical Christian culture, (which has afforded them asylum in Christian nations), and their persistent rejection of Jesus the Messiah - the Talmud teaches that those within Judaism are of a higher form of humanity than others. For they pray both in the synagogue and in their homes, “I thank Thee O God that Thou has not made me a Gentile.”

Br Nathanael: You say that the Talmud has made the Scriptures of none effect. How so?

Michael A. Hoffman: In the Gospel of Mark Chapter 7, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees saying, “You make the Word of God of none effect by your tradition that you have handed down.” There is little in the Talmud which refers to Old Testament Scriptures - but rather, teachings that are contrary to the Scriptures.

The Talmud teaches that a Jew may *kill, **steal, and ***lie to non-Jews with impunity -yet all of these actions are in violation of the 6th, 7th, and 9th commandments of Moses. 

Here is but one example of the Oral Law making the Word of God “of none effect.” [*Tractates Sanhedrin 58b; **Baba Mezia 24a; **Sanhedrin 57a; ***Baba Kama 113a]
There is also the Talmudic nullification of the sin of King David, by which sin, Christians have learned to shun the sins of adultery and hostility, reciting the penitent words of King David in Psalm 51. But the religion of Judaism will have none of this! For the Talmud states: “whosoever says King David sinned is mistaken.”
According to the Talmud the practice in those days for men going to war was to give their wives conditional divorces. The Talmud states that Bathsheba was no longer married and hence decrees that King David did not sin.
What the rabbis are actually saying is that it is God who is mistaken–yet the Word of God clearly declares that David sinned by killing Uriah the Hittite and committing adultery with his wife: “Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house because thou hast despised Me and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife.” (II Samuel 12)

Br Nathanael: Is it true that the Talmud blasphemes Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary?

Michael Hoffman: The Talmud indeed blasphemes Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. Tractate Sanhedrin 106a says that Jesus’ mother was a harlot: “She who was a descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters.” Also in Tractate Shabbath 104b of the Talmud, it is stated: “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.”
As regard the Talmud’s treatment of Jesus Christ, Tractates Sanhedrin 107b and Sotah 47a say: “Jesus was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone and brick, was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent.” And even a more vile blasphemy is written in Tractate Gitten 57: “Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement.”

Br Nathanael: What attitude then should Christians take towards Judaism?

Michael Hoffman: 
Christians must understand that the religion of Judaism is anti-Biblical. The true religion of the God of Israel is Christianity not Judaism. Judaism is simply a perversion of God’s original revelation to the Hebrew nation–it is the very religion of nullification of the Old Testament.

Now what fellowship has light with darkness? What fellowship has Christ with Belial? What fellowship has the true worship of God with idols and “Judaism’s strange gods?” None!

For More See: “Pasternak: ‘Jews Must Become Christians’” Click Here

And: “Christians NOT Jews Are God’s Chosen People!” Click Here
And: “How Jews Think” Click Here


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Michael Hoffman Judaism's Strange Gods

Topics Michael Hoffman Judaism's Strange Gods
Collection opensource
Language English

This writer contends in the following pages that Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament or of the God of Israel, but rather that Judaism's gods consost of the Talmud, the Kabbalah, and racial self-worship. I further assert that Christianity is the only religion that represents the Old Testament creed of Yahweh, being the continuation and prophetic fulfillment of the Old Testament in the Gospel of the Messiah of Israel. This book is intended for the benifit of all mankind, but due to the temporal power exerted by adherents of the ideology it unmasks, it may become a target of proscription and vilification. I ask those who would suppress it or subject its author to obloguy, the question Paul asked the Galatians, "Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?"

Michael A. Hoffman II

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Judaism Discovered
A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit

“Mr. Hoffman - I would like to express my gratitude for your work. I am slowly making my way through Judaism Discovered and several other books and newsletters of yours, and I am not only learning amazing things never imagined, but slowly developing a new way of thought perception. May God richly bless you and your work.”J.M., Princeton, Illinois

Judaism Discovered is a mine of information about Talmudic Judaism. I am astonished by the quality and the abundance of your documentation. Your many quotations from the Talmud and rabbis constitute indisputable argumentation concerning the anti-Christian enterprise of Judaism, and also the compromises of the governments and the Catholic Church with Judaism...I wish success for your book…” —Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, Econe, Switzerland 

Deconstructing the rabbinic texts line by line, Michael Hoffman has discovered a terra incognita: Orthodox Judaism as the ideological survival of the most ossified traditions of Babylonian paganism, concealed beneath a complex system of dissimulation and misdirection. His unsparing thesis is a radical challenge to Judaism's claims to Biblical provenance and probity. Partial list of subjects: Principal Sources of the Divine Law of Judaism; Deceit Mechanisms and Defense Mechanisms; No "Judeo-Christian" Tradition; Judaism's Hermeneutic of Concealment; Power Over the Court System; the Tarnish on Hillel's Golden Rule; Permissible Lying and Deceit; From Kabbalah to Aggadah: A Sexual Progression; Hasidic Paganism; Kabbalistic Renaissiance; Gentiles are not to be trusted; Talmud and Women; Jesus in the Talmud; Child Molestation; Halachos of Manslaughter; Maimonides: Rabbinic Worker of Iniquity; Maimonides and Islam; the Noachide Hoax; Anti-Black Racism; 'Sin Chicken'; Cursing the homes and graves of gentiles and Christians; Images and Talismans; Circumcision; Abortion; Ritual Murder; the Talmud and Kabbalah in Protestantism and Catholicism; Judaism's Homo-Erotic Culture; the "Menstrual Science" of the Rabbis; Judaism and Kabbalah: An Inseparable Unity; Purim; the Golem; Converts and Conversions; the Kosher Food Racket; the Kol Nidrei Nullification of Vows; Critics, Criticism and Apologetics; and much more!

1100 pages. Quality softcover.

Revised and Expanded

“If you don’t read any other book besides the Bible this year, be sure to read Judaism’s Strange Gods.”  

— Dr. Chuck Baldwin, nationally recognized patriot-pastor, educator, and former presidential candidate

Judaism's Strange Gods is the best book under 400 pages for educating people about the hidden side of this much glorified, but soul-destroying creed of warfare and deception. This volume contains all of Christian scholar Michael Hoffman's main facts and most effective research, in an easy-to-read, quality paperback. Judaism's Strange Gods is a condensed version of Hoffman's massive reference work, Judaism Discovered (see above). 

Talmudism is overwhelming  the Right wing, masquerading as a family values partner with patriots against the forces of evil. On the Left, it poses as a progressive partner with peace activists. Hoffman deconstructs that facade in clear and understandable writing, and does so charitably and without vitriol. Christian bookstores are packed with tomes purporting to unmask the religion of Islam, but not one slim volume will be found delving into the depravities of rabbinic Talmudism. Judaism's Strange Gods corrects that imbalance with irrefutable documentation from the sacred texts of the rabbis themselves. 

Softcover. Illustrated. Glossary. Index. 381 pages.

Sample Contents: 

Principle Sources of the Divine Law of the Religion of Orthodox Judaism; 

The Rabbinic Eras; Rabbinic Law vs. Biblical Law; Judaism's Attack On The Prophets And Patriarchs; The Talmud: Only a Record of Debates?; 

"The Babylonian Talmud Represents God in the Flesh"; 

Judaism's Hermeneutic of Concealment in Theory and Practice; 

The Tarnish on Hillel's Golden Rule; A Gigantic Heap of Self-Perpetuating Legal and Textual Arcana; Falsifying Scripture with Gezera Shava; 

"A Hedge Around the Law"; Loopholes And Escape Clauses; 
"The Pious of the Nations" Loophole; Four Exegetical Categories: PaRDeS;  
Outright Lies and Deception; Permissible Categories of Lying; The Deceiver's Gloss on Exodus 23:7; 

Why Women Have Not Been Allowed to Study the Talmud; 
Bribery; Defrauding Workers; The Authority of the Talmud; 
The Inferiority of Gentiles; Gentile is not a Brother or a Neighbor; 
Jews May Kill Non-Jews; Torat Hamelech: Warrant For The Murder Of Gentiles; The Status of the Gentile in Jewish Law; 
Non-Jews are "Supernal Refuse"; 
The Halachos of Manslaughter: "Lifting and Lowering";  
Judaism Teaches: Abraham & Isaac were Tainted with Lust; 
Rabbinic Texts are a Virulent Source of Anti-Black Racism; 
Every Gentile's Mother, Daughter and Sister: NShGZ; 
New World Order: U.S. Government Lays The Groundwork For Talmudic Courts; 

Christians in the Talmud; Escape Clauses and Loopholes Concerning the Rabbinic Ban on Churches; Talmud Citations Concerning Christianity; 
Balaam: The Talmud's Code Name for Jesus; 
Christianity Alleged to be a Form of Prostitution; 
Mary the Mother of Jesus as "Sedata" (a promiscuous woman); 
Establishing a Legal Principle for Courtroom Entrapment of Christ and Christians; 

Pandera and Balaam: Jesus as a Bastard in the Talmud; 
Origen Contra the Antichrist Rabbinic Calumnies of Celsus; 
Anti-Goyimitic and Anti-Christian Hatred; 
Divine Mandate to Kill Jesus Christ and Christians; 
Judaism's Reincarnation Dogma;  
Star of Bohemia, Not David; 
Kaparot: The Sin Chicken; The X-Rated Talmud; 
Judaism and Menstruation; Judaism and Abortion; 
Converts and Conversions to Judaism; Yom Kippur and the Kol Nidrei Nullification of Vows; Judaism's Holy Days; 
Birkat HaMinim: The Curse on Christians; 
Child Molestation and Homosexuality;

Glossary of terms; Index.


"Marching to Zion" Exposes "Chosen People" Scam

February 24, 2020

Jews claim to be "God's Chosen People" yet have the chutzpah to accuse Europeans of "white supremacy" and "racism."

Goyim, wake up, Cabalists are the world's greatest scam artists. Are you the world's greatest rubes? 

Satanism is when people usurp the role of God. Talk about "supremacism." The New World Order is Satan Worship  - Isn't it Obvious?

Who are the real "supremacists?"  Trump (Zionism) and Sanders (Communism) are both part of this plot.


from Sept 13, 2018
by Henry Makow Ph.D. 

"Marching to Zion," a documentary by Baptist Pastor Steven Anderson shows that Christians finally are realizing they've been scammed by Zionists, whether they be Christian or Jewish.

They're finally recognizing that Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion. The real Covenant is between God and them, i.e. believers in Christ. 

They were deceived by the Scofield Bible which was financed and promoted by Zionist bankers. Christian Zionist pastors like John Hagee, Benny Hinn, and Joel Osteen are apostates and traitors. Pro-Zionist US politicians like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, and Rand Paul are also traitors.  

When Christians realize this, they'll understand that the Dept. of Homeland Security and NSA are there to protect the Federal Reserve Bank and the Zionist political establishment from the wrath of the American people when they realize their country has been stolen out from under them. Terrorism is a pretext manufactured by the CIA and FBI.

The best part of this documentary is Anderson's interviews with three Jewish rabbis who reveal themselves to be buffoons. One denies that Jews killed Christ.  Anderson cites a book by a top Jewish scholar who admits this is not only true but states Christ was a "blasphemer and idolater" who deserved to be killed! 

Another rabbi says that all morality is relative. If a society approves of stealing, then stealing is OK. What kind of religion is this? It certainly accounts for the behavior of some Jews. 

We learn that Jews don't believe in the Torah (Old Testament) and don't believe in Hell. They reject Christ as a "failed Messiah" and believe the real Messiah (i.e. the Antichrist) will be a "great warrior" who will vanquish Jewish enemies and bring about Jewish world hegemony a.k.a. "peace."

Anderson emphasizes that Judaism is essentially anti-Christian. Teaching Christianity is banned in Israel. Christians cannot become Israelis.  The Bible says the Star of David represents Moloch.

By supporting Israel, Christians are participating in their blasphemy and will suffer God's wrath. Has the US enjoyed God's blessing for supporting Israel? Quite the opposite. 

The documentary shows how Jewish satanism (Cabala) is seeping into Christian teachings in the form of the belief that God is androgynous rather than masculine. In fact, it is Baphomet who is androgynous.

The documentary is 1.47 min but you can stop at roughly the one-hour mark where it gets into a pointless discussion of genealogy, and how we are all descendants of Abraham. The time should have been devoted to how Jews descend from the Khazars and have no claim to Palestine. Israel was set up to be capital of the Masonic Jewish banker world empire.

The last ten minutes affirm that Christianity is about "a heavenly Jerusalem" a spiritual realm that will define the earthly kingdom. Man's true happiness and salvation reside in making spiritual values paramount, especially love of our fellow man. 

I hope every Christian watches this documentary and learns the truth. Most Jews have been deceived and manipulated as well. They can also liberate themselves from the mental slavery that is Judaism.

Mankind is sinking into Satanism based on Freemasonry and the Jewish Cabala. Thankfully
Christians are learning that Judaism and Zionism are wolves in sheep clothing.
From June 7, 2015


Vladimir Putin Declares War on the Straussians aka Neocons

  Vladimir Putin Declares War on the Straussians aka Neocons March 4, 2022   TLB Staff   COMMENTARY ,  GOVERNMENT ,  Tyranny ,  WORLD Vladim...