perjantai 30. lokakuuta 2020

Jack Dorsey is Weird as Heck

  • Dorsey had no idea how his company is run, he brought with him to the interview a woman named “Vijaya Gadde,” a fat Indian female who appeared to have a lot of authority over the company, and in fact, authority over Jack Dorsey.
  • Frankly, it’s a similar situation with Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google. He is a totally harmless Indian man, who appears to have completely no idea what is going on.
  • This whole process of interviewing these people is just a Mexican donkey show.

Jack Dorsey is Weird as Heck

Tucker Carlson referred last night to Jack Dorsey as “That Peyote Guy” while presenting an image of him at this week’s senate hearing.

“That Peyote Guy” is what he looked like.

During Tucker’s interview with Senator Josh Hawley, the one Senator who is allegedly trying to get control of these tech companies, Hawley referred to him as “really weird.”

That description also fits.

What is going on with this guy?

I guess he is just totally whacked out on drugs.

But in that case, how is he running a major company? One of the single most powerful companies in the world?

Well, presumably, he’s not actually running the company, and is instead functioning as a figurehead.

During the hearing at the Senate on Wednesday, he clearly didn’t seem to have any significant understanding of the way the company that he allegedly runs actually works.

The clip that is going around is of Ted Cruz pressing him. That was the best clip.

In it, it was very obvious he has no idea what is going on with really anything at all.

One thing is certain: he seems completely harmless. He doesn’t seem like he’s capable of engaging in an anti-American conspiracy, or anything hostile at all.

He is just a totally whacked out drug guy.

So who is running the company?

Well, long before the Senate ever took interest in Twitter censorship, back in March of 2019, Dorsey was questioned by Tim Pool and Joe Rogan on the Joe Rogan Experience.

Because Dorsey had no idea how his company is run, he brought with him to the interview a woman named “Vijaya Gadde,” a fat Indian female who appeared to have a lot of authority over the company, and in fact, authority over Jack Dorsey.

Note that Jack Dorsey was significantly less weird looking back then. He had not yet completed his total transformation into “Peyote Sage.”

Gadde lectured poor Tim Pool like he was a delinquent schoolboy – and left him looking like one!

I don’t think that Gadde is the single figure running the company, but she is clearly more involved in running it than Dorsey is. I assume that the company is run by a council, which is overseen by Jews and members of the Democrat Party.

Funnily enough, there is a similarity between the way Dorsey runs Twitter and how they are planning to use Joe Biden to run the country: put up a harmless braindead figure, and hide the dark council behind the veil.

Frankly, it’s a similar situation with Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google. He is a totally harmless Indian man, who appears to have completely no idea what is going on. 

Last time he appeared before Congress, he just pretended (I guess he was pretending) like he had no idea what any of the questions meant, and the Old White Men™ who were interviewing him let him off the hook, because they didn’t want to be racist. The same thing happened this time.

This whole process of interviewing these people is just a Mexican donkey show. It has no purpose, other than spectacle. The spectacle is meant to make it look like our government is doing something to regulate these powerful companies, when in actual fact, they are doing nothing and they won’t do anything until someone forces them to do something.

The best way that we can force them to do something is to start removing them from office, using the primary system. As I’ve said many times lately: assuming we win the election, our #1 goal as the right-wing needs to be using the primary system to remove GOP politicians from office in 2022.

Basically, every single GOP Congressperson is bad. I’ll let Josh Hawley slide, since he’s actually pushing the issue of free speech, but every single other GOP Congressperson that I’m aware of should be challenged in a primary. Most likely, we’ll have to narrow down our focus, so that we can make sure we remove some of them. Probably, we should focus on the ones that are especially disliked. As I’ve said, it’s a shame we missed doing this to Ben Sasse in 2020, as that would have been very easy, if we’d put our energy into it. But starting immediately after this election, we need to find which Congresspeople are up for reelection, and figure out which ones we are going to target for removal in the primaries. Then, we start fundraising and start pushing for activism in the targeted areas.

Let everyone know: this is the plan.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Peyote Cactus.jpg
Peyote in the wild
Scientific classificationedit
L. williamsii
Binomial name
Lophophora williamsii

Echinocactus williamsii Lemaire ex Salm-Dyck
Lophophora lewinii (K. Schumann) Rusby
Lophophora echinata Croizat
Lophophora fricii Habermann
L. williamsii var. fricii (Habermann) Grym
L. diffusa subsp. fricii (Habermann) Halda
Lophophora jourdaniana Haberman

The peyote /pˈti/, scientific name Lophophora williamsii /ləˈfɒfərə wɪliˈæmzi/, is a small, spineless cactus with psychoactive alkaloids, particularly mescaline.[2] Peyote is a Spanish word derived from the Nahuatl peyōtl [ˈpejoːt͡ɬ], meaning "caterpillar cocoon", from a root peyōni, "to glisten".[3][4][5] Peyote is native to Mexico and southwestern Texas. It is found primarily in the Sierra Madre Occidental, the Chihuahuan Desert and in the states of NayaritCoahuilaNuevo LeónTamaulipas, and San Luis Potosí among scrub. It flowers from March to May, and sometimes as late as September. The flowers are pink, with thigmotactic anthers (like Opuntia).

Known for its psychoactive properties when ingested, peyote is used worldwide,[citation needed] having a long history of ritualistic and medicinal use by indigenous North Americans. Peyote contains the hallucinogen mescaline.[2]


Psychoactive and medicinal[edit]

Dried Lophophora williamsii slices ("Peyote Buttons") with a US 5 cent coin (21 mm, 0.8 in)) for scale
Chemical structure of mescaline, the primary hallucinogen in peyote

When used for its psychoactive properties, common doses for pure mescaline range from roughly 200 to 400 mg. This translates to a dose of roughly 10 to 20 g of dried peyote buttons of average potency; however, potency varies considerably between samples, making it difficult to measure doses accurately without first extracting the mescaline. The effects last about 10 to 12 hours.[11] Peyote is reported to trigger rich visual or auditory effects (see synesthesia).[12][13]

In addition to psychoactive use, some Native American tribes use the plant in the belief it may have curative properties. They employ peyote to treat such varied ailments as toothache, pain in childbirth, fever, breast pain, skin diseases, rheumatismdiabetes, colds, and blindness.[citation needed][14] Peyote also contains an alkaloid called peyocactin.[15] It is now called hordenine.[citation needed] Peyote poisoning has been a concern in California.[16]

torstai 29. lokakuuta 2020

FBI Actively Investigating ‘Hunter Biden And His Associates’ For Money-Laundering

The FBI opened up a criminal investigation into "Hunter Biden and his associates," focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains open and active today.

Report: FBI Actively Investigating ‘Hunter Biden And His Associates’ For Money-Laundering

FBI Actively Investigating Hunter Biden And His Associates’ For Money-Laundering

The Department of Justice took the rare step to confirm the
existence of an ongoing investigation Thursday, confirming to
Sinclair that the FBI is still conducting a federal money-
laundering probe into the Biden family.

EXCLUSIVE: A @TheJusticeDept official confirms that in 2019,
the @FBI opened up a criminal investigation into
"Hunter Biden and his associates," focused on allegations of
money-laundering, and that it remains open and active today.
More very soon on your @WeAreSinclair stations.
— James Rosen (@JamesRosenTV) October 29, 2020

Accoridng to Sinclair’s James Rose, a former Fox News
correspondent, former Biden business associate-turned-
whistleblower named Tony Bobulinski was interviewed by the FBI
for five hours on Friday.

Tony Bobulinski tells @WeAreSinclair he was questioned by six
@FBI agents, with counsel present, for five hours on October 23,
listing him as a "material witness" in an ongoing investigation focused
on Hunter Biden and his associates. His cell phones were examined.
— James Rosen (@JamesRosenTV) October 29, 2020

The report comes the same week Bobulinski said Democratic
presidential nominee Joe Biden was “compromised” by the
Chinese Communist Party.

“I think Joe Biden and the Biden family is compromised,”
Bobulinski said on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” after
Carlson dedicated the entire prime-time hour to outlining the
Biden family’s financial schemes of selling American political
influence by leveraging Joe Biden’s name to take in foreign

Bobulinski to #Tucker: "So, I think Joe Biden and the Biden family
are compromised. Obviously, I've referenced that I've held a Q
clearance. You're briefed on a compromise and who you're able to talk
with and deal and do business with…."
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) October 28, 2020

While Joe Biden has vehemently denied discussing his son’s
potentially criminal overseas business ventures with Hunter, “or with
anyone else
,” throughout the entire presidential campaign, Bobulinski
went on record to corroborate New York Post reporting earlier this
month, which included evidence contradicting the Democrat’s claims.

“That’s a blatant lie when he states that,” Bobulinski said.
“It’s a blatant lie.”

Fox News previously confirmed with the FBI that the agency had
opened an investigation that involved seizing Hunter Biden’s suspected
laptop found abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop, which
exposed incriminating details of the Biden family’s business activity.
Whether the investigation had been ongoing, however, had remained
an open question until Thursday.

The New York Post first began publishing a series of exposés based
on the content found on the computer’s hard drive that included emails
showing Hunter Biden was offered a $3 million-a-year contract with
10 percent set aside for “The Big Guy,” later found by Fox News and corroborated by Bobulinski to be referring to Joe Biden.

Catch up on everything you need to know about the Biden family
scandals here.

Tristan Justice is a staff writer at The Federalist focusing on the 2020
presidential campaigns. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact
him at
Photo ABC News / YouTube
2020 Election DOJ FBI Fox News Hunter Biden Joe Biden Tony Bobulinski
Copyright © 2020 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST
Media, All Rights Reserved.


maanantai 26. lokakuuta 2020

Global Warming Fraud Exposed In Pictures

  • Climate change alarmists have convinced the public something must be done now.
  • The reports are easily debunked as fraud.
  • Facts don't Fit the Theory

Global Warming Fraud Exposed In Pictures


My Gift To Climate Alarmists

Tony Heller does an amazing job of showing how the fraud takes place in his video entitled My Gift To Climate Alarmists.

The video is only 12.51 minutes long.

Cherry Picking

  • Heatwaves increasing since 1960
  • Arctic ice declining since 1979
  • Wildfires increasing since 1983
  • Sea levels rising since 1920

When you want to mislead people with statistics picking the start date is very important.

Alarmist Heat Wave Chart Shown vs Underlying Data

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US Wildfires as Presented by Alarmists vs Actual Data

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Please compare the right hand portion of the above chart with the lower half of the heat wave chart to see the actual correlation.

Arctic Sea Ice Extent

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US Sea Level Since 1920

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US Sea Level Since 1850

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Sea Level Rising for 20,000 Years

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Waverly Ohio

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Climate Fraud Tool

Tony Heller devised software to automatically pick the perfect start date for climate alarmists to use to portray what they want.

"Most scientists are keeping their mouths shut because they they have to. They would lose their career and income if they didn't."

"Adults won't take climate change seriously. So we, the youth, are forced to strike."

"The Green New Deal reads like the communist manifesto".

Redistribute the World's Wealth by Climate Policy

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The climate change activists will of course claim that such statements are out of context.

I agree they likely are. But the brainwashing of kids isn't.

Flashback 1989

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Entire nations could be wiped off the earth by 2000.

Visit Real Climate Science for more information.

Heller shows some of the tricks alarmists use, but what about the actual long-term data?

Global Warming Swindle

William Land describes the actual underlying data for thousands of years in the "Great Global Warming Swindle".

The video is long. However, the data aspect is fully covered in the first 35 minutes. The rest covers the politics of what's happening. Here are some clips that I made.

Facts don't Fit the Theory

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Global Warming Fraud Basics

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Co2 and Temp vs Solar Activity and Temp

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Carbon dioxide does not fit the global warming cycle at all. Solar activity does.

Al Gores's Ice Core examples

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Al Gore's ice core tests show Gore is wrong. Carbon dioxide lags temperature by 800 years.

Temperature leads CO2 not the other way around.

Cosmic Rays Inverted vs Temperature

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  • When cosmic rays went up, temperatures went down. When cosmic rays went down, temperature went up.
  • Climate is controlled by the clouds. The clouds are controlled by cosmic rays. The cosmic rays are controlled by the sun.
  • Vastly different records come together beautifully.
  • It all comes down to the sun, not CO2.

Patrick Moore Greenpeace Co-Founder

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Deniers and Heretics

Scientists who speak out face "climate denier" drumbeats.

Anyone who keeps it up long enough is labeled a heretic or worse.

"The environmental movement is really a political activist movement," says the Greenpeace co-founder.

Worse yet, what should be a scientific debate, is now an unwinnable religious debate with indoctrinated kids used as tools.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock


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