maanantai 28. helmikuuta 2022

Puppet Petro Poroshenko alias Peter Valtzman


Jewry’s Puppet…Petro Poroshenko

Ukraine Articles

B/C 300

Jewry’s Puppet…Petro Poroshenko
By Brother Nathanael Kapner May 26, 2014 ©

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is “Valtzman,” a Jew, yet Petro Poroshenko uses his mother’s maiden name, “Poroshenko,” reportedly also a Jew.

Regardless of Poroshenko’s Jewish background, (or because of it), he is being pushed by all the Jewish-controlled main stream media venues throughout the Jewish-ruled West.

But what the Jew-owned press won’t tell you is that Poroshenko is a proven criminal who will still need Oligarch Jew Igor Kolomoisky:

The coup-regime-appointed Governor of Jew-intensive Dnepropetrovsk in East Ukraine where the violent Right Sector set up their new headquarters; boss of the Ukrainian mafia; his Privatbank “quasi-military forces;” his privately-funded death squads; his bounty-hunters from his allies of ultra-nationalist extremists; his gangs of hired thugs and soccer “ultras”…ALL to cement his rule as Ukraine’s unconstitutional president.

The Kolomoisky-backed Right Sector/Svoboda militants  will wield power as dominant members of Poroshenko’s regime or behind the scenes.

They currently are the majority guerillas of Kiev’s newly-formed “National Guard” enjoying access to Ukraine’s military warehouses.

This “National Guard” is murdering civilians and army “deserters” in Eastern Ukraine.

Right Sector thugs holding top posts include:

* Secretary of National Security - Andriy Parubiy, founder of the Svoboda party/commandant of Maidan defense squads.

* Deputy Secretary of National Security - Dmytro Yarosh, leader of the Right Sector bloc.

* Deputy Prime Minister - Oleksandr Sych, member of Svoboda.

* Prosecutor General - Oleh Makhnitsky, member of Svoboda.


WITH THE GROWING entrenchment of the Right Sector in Kiev’s infrastructure, Poroshenko has little choice but to allow it a major measure of power.

Poroshenko’s underpinning expands from:

White-House-connected President of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine, Igor Kolomoisky, who was behind the Odessa massacre; to Right Sector leader Dmitry Yarosh—with his early alliance with the Ambassador of Israel in Kiev— stretching to former Vinnitsa mayor, Vladimir Groisman, a major funder of the Maidan protests.

Surely, it’s the strangest mix of bedfellows only the Jews (and Jewmerica) could cook up.

The prospect for consensus in Ukraine’s racial and linguistic spheres thus looks grim.

The Right Sector bloc controls Kiev’s press which propagandizes ‘unity’ based on hatred for Russians. This bodes ill for Ukraine’s territorial cohesiveness since much of Eastern Ukraine’s population is made up of Russian-speaking residents.

Chocolate king Poroshenko has another big

problem. Ukraine’s economy is in ruins.

What will he do to fix the economy? Will he ask the IMF for another loan? But this will enslave Ukraine to Jewish bankers forever.

How about him signing the EU Association Agreement which he promises to do?

But by doing so, Ukraine will lose its military manufacturing trade with Russia.

Putin recently warned that by signing the EU Association Agreement—which will impede Ukraine’s manufacturing trade—it will sink the last nail into what remains of Ukraine’s dying economy. View Video and Transcript Here.

Putin also promised he will “work” with the next president—now Poroshenko—albeit he’s at odds with his unconstitutional status.

“Where’s the money?” will be first on the list of Things To Do.

That “money” is $3 billion Kiev owes Gazprom.

Looks like Putin is gonna BITE the tummy of Ukraine’s kosher chocolate king.


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lauantai 26. helmikuuta 2022

Brendon O'Connell - China is Rothschild's Model for NWO

Brendon O'Connell - China is Rothschild's Model for NWO

December 9, 2019

As far as Brendon O'Connell is concerned, the question is, who owns China? Not if China owns Australia. The whole world has been "gifted" to China, not by Satanists, but by the Rothschilds who own it. Israel's role is to facilitate this. 

"Once you understand the massive Soviet Rothschild penetration and ongoing occupation of the US body politik by the sons and daughters of alleged Jews from Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia, then ALL becomes clear."

by Brendon O'Connell

Who owns China? People have it the wrong way around. Thats the question to ask.
China is backward. They, like Russia, could not design a toilet seat. Everything they have they got handed to them by Soviet/Rothschild agents.

Their factories are "dumped", almost fully built, by technology from the US, Germany, UK and places like Denmark and Sweden. Now, it's mostly Israel - thanks to Trumps tariffs and embargoes.

The current China technology build up is a gift from Israel - the Soviet era backdoor into the United States. Rothschild's personal bunker where the new world order program tactical aspects are planned away from MI5 and MI6, CIA and FBI counter intelligence.

Go to You Tube and search HARRY DEXTER WHITE. Who is he? In the age of Q Drops and Alex Jones, a whole new generation is clueless of history and the levels of Soviet - Rothschild - penetration of the highest levels of the US government under Roosevelt (who was clueless like Trump) and it has never stopped.

HARRY DEXTER WHITE was the top adviser to Roosevelt on economic matters and in charge of lend lease to both the UK and Soviet Union along with the infamous Henry Morgenthau. 

Both were admitted high level Soviet agents. It's said White was personally responsible for Pearl Harbor, demanding Roosevelt take a hard line on Japan. White did not want Japan attacking Stalin on his southern border - this was a big deal at the time with the Soviet Union then over whelmed by Germany and Operation Barbarossa in late 1941, a critical time. This is not my opinion, its mainstream historian's opinions.

A Soviet Spy at the Center of Bretton Woods: Harry Dexter White and the Ongoing Threat of Espionage
Benn Steil "The Battle of Bretton Woods"
The Case of Harry Dexter White: Monster or Martyr? (2004)

keynes-white.jpgJohn Maynard Keynes (left) was the economic rep for the UK on Lend Lease. Harry White (right) did everything he could to deprive the UK of vital supplies while foaming at the mouth to get supplies to the Soviet Union at any cost. He was said to be extremely proud to break up and hand the British Empire to the Soviets. We see the EXACT same method being applied to the US. This is the key.

The next move by the Zionist movement is home base, Greater Israel. The world empire will be run from there. America, like the old British Empire, will be cast aside and Jerusalem will rule Eurasia and ultimately, the world. 

When you see Trump de-coupling the US economy from China, who is advising him? China, Russia and Israel now walk into each others arms. If Trump wanted to bring China down, all it would take is to cut off technology from ZTE - Chinas main wholesale supplier - and the Chinese economy would collapse instantly. 

But Israel is not ready to take up that role, so that will have to wait. Currently, Trumps "slaps" China instead of delivering a right hook on China, is handing billions to Israel who simply steps in. 

The "I Hate China" crowd apparently can't find the intellectual character strength to point out Trumps boss Bi Bi is simply supplying to China what the US will not. And now China has its own Smart Phone chips, Server cpu's and Smart Phone Operating System that will take over Eurasia - now Edward Snowden has pointed out the US is back-dooring everyone.

 Good old Ed just "forgot" to tell you it's actually Israel. Though, finally, he gave that a mention in November 2018. Finally. The great IT cyber experts of both Assange and Snowden, with their intimate high level knowledge of technology - surrounded by similar experts - missed Israels constant bragging of being a "cyber technology juggernaught". Thats like being a PHD expert in micro biology and never mentioning penicillin.

If it was not for (of all people) J Edgar HOOVER (the cross dresser and closet homosexual) Harry Truman, Eisenhower and George C Marshall AND Churchill (and major operators behind the scenes), the death (assassination???) of Roosevelt via stroke, the Soviets may have made it all the way to the Channel coast. 

Historians claim White and his crew could have ended the war in late 1943. There was a massive movement in the top levels of the German officer class to take out Hitler and surrender to the allies and fight against the Soviets.

 White deliberately ignored the offers and it is probable Hitler was protected by the same network - example - the bomb in the cognac bottle on Hitlers personal aircraft. Failed to explode despite operating perfectly. It was explosives and detonators from the British/American OSS. Hitler survived, miraculously, 25 serious assassination attempts. He had a 25 pound tungsten carbide officers cap he wore full time when in uniform. This gives credence to the theory Hitler was the illegitimate errant son of a Rothschild, trained at the Tavistock Institute. Hence the mad dash to England by Hess to ask..."Whats going on? We're doing all you asked?"

They weren't doing all that was asked, they were not supposed to invade the Soviet Union, they were supposed to contain Stalin and form the United States of Europe AND, force European Jews to Palestine. That was the deal. Adolf Hitler, for reasons known only to him, went full retard. Never go full retard. Ask Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi.

Stalin had a June 1942 invasion of Western Europe planned. Consult the Moscow archives and the little known book by Constantine Pleshakof: "Stalin's Folly: The Tragic First Ten Days of World War II on the Eastern Front" Heres a short overview.
The subtitle of this provocative and useful work by a noted historian (The Tsar's Last Armada) accurately describes its subject. The author supports the revisionist thesis that Stalin was not deceived about Hitler's ultimate intentions, only their timing, and was planning a preemptive attack into Poland and the Balkans--in 1942. Soviet deployments certainly make this plausible, as do other factors, such as the failure to build up defences on the new Soviet border after stripping the old ones of most of their weapons and troops. The Germans, as is well known, struck first, and the result was a Russian military disaster of such proportions as to influence history to this day. The book is well-balanced, moving from the Kremlin, where Stalin was in denial and Zhukov was at least keeping his head, to soldiers of every rank from general to unarmed private. With his talent for assembling gripping narratives out of long-suppressed sources, Pleshakov will bring joy to fans of John Erickson. (May 5)

Now you see why Hitler rushed to war. Unprepared. There was no time to lose. But the main stream historians in the west will not touch the book nor the narrative that it presents. For the west, Hitler was a "power mad crazy person" who "rose to power". He went from a beer hall brawler to owning luxury cars and flying around in a personal Fokker Tri-engine. 


Everything was done to protect Stalin who was incompetent. A criminal thug.

Once you understand the massive Soviet Rothschild penetration and ongoing occupation of the US body politik by the sons and daughters of alleged Jews from Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia, then ALL becomes clear. Even Roosevelts own wife was a lesbian and supporter of avowed Communists like Anna Louis Strong, literal fan girl for Mao. I mean, how "in your face" does it have to get?

Harry Dexter White and Morgenthau went on to create the IMF and World Bank AND were instrumental in setting up the UN. After Roosevelts death, Truman dumped White into the nothing (at the time) IMF to get rid of him.

Harry Dexter White died after appearing at the 1948 House Un-American Committee where he was confronted about his espionage which he denied. He died of a heart attack a few days later. The released Verona decrypts finally proved without doubt, Harry Dexter White along with most of Roosevelts war cabinet, were Soviet Agents, working feverishly against England and the interests of the United States. The Silvermaster Spy ring is another group intimately affiliated with White and Morgenthau, Alger Hiss and Lachlan Currie. 

Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, left, was born in Odessa in the Ukraine to Jewish parents. They moved to China and he learnt to speak English with a perfect English accent. His group were instrumental in setting up China as we see it today, as was, of course, Harry Dexter White who made sure the nationalist Chang Kai Shek movement was starved deliberately of funds which were shifted to Mao and "The Communists", and the rest is history.

The Jewish traders and bankers from Baghdad, the Sassoon and Kardoorie families, known as "The Rothschilds of the East", round out the understanding of modern China - Rothschild - and the East India Trading Company.

In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to 'marry Israel's technology with China's capacity'
How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China
Netanyahu Seeks China Waiver on Israel Technology Investments

The above is Harry Dexter White passing technology to Soviet Russia, just happening today. Anyone going to stop it?

In closing, the question is, who owns China? Not if China owns Australia.


perjantai 25. helmikuuta 2022

Jewish roots of Russian president Vladimir Putin

Lord Dreadnought (lorddreadnought) wrote,

Jewish roots of Russian president Vladimir Putin.


In the first addition of Putins book: First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia’s President it says his mothers maiden name was Shalomovitch – which apparently is a Jewish name.
Yet in the second addition, it conveniently changes to Shelomova. A cover up??

If it looks like it, smells like it, sounds like it, what is it?

Putin’s maternal grandfather was a Jew involved in the bolshevik revolution, his paternal grandfather worked all his life as the chef of Lenin and Stalin. His paternal grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879–1965), was employed at Vladimir Lenin‘s dacha at Gorki as a cook, and after Lenin’s death in 1924, he continued to work for Lenin’s wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya. He would later cook for Joseph Stalinwhen the Soviet leader visited one of his dachas in the Moscow region. Spiridon later was employed at a dacha belonging to the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, at which the young Putin would visit him.

Putin was put into power by the Federation Of Jewish Organizations In Russia. The Jewish Chairman of this organization Abramovich stated in a 2005 interview that Putin could obtain Israeli citizenship if he wanted as an ethnic Jew. And that his mother was a Jew Shelomova. This makes Putin full Jewish by Jewish law.

Putin traces his earliest connection to Judaism back to his early childhood in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, when he befriended a Jewish family that lived in his apartment block. In his 2000 autobiography, Putin wrote that the unnamed family loved him and that he used to seek its company.

“They were observant Jews who did not work on Saturdays and the man would study the Bible and Talmud all day long,” Putin wrote. “Once I even asked him what he was muttering. He explained to me what this book was and I was immediately interested.” Can anyone believe that Jews let goyim read their holy books?

Vladimir Putin told me a personal story in the Kremlin

Just look at Putin’s face and ears closely; he is no more a Christian than Benjamin Netanyahu. He is just another crypto Jew, having conveniently converted to Orthodox Christianity. How convenient. As the New Republic’s Julia Ioffe notes, a number of his closest confidants, as well as the Judo teacher who served as a mentor and surrogate father, are Jews. Moreover, Putin's closest associate and prime-minister of Russia, Dmitriy Medvedev is also a Jew. Vladimir Putin is just another manipulative, greedy, demonic, billionaire, oligarch Jew – who is deceiving everyone in Russia.

Besides, Israel and its media were always friendly to Putin’s Russia, and completely ignored political position of US towards Russian president. During a March 4, 2014 news conference, Putin called the anti-Yanukovych protesters “reactionary, nationalist and anti-Semitic forces”, most Israel media used against Euromaidan protesters the same definitions. Putin has repeatedly cited the alleged anti-Semitism of Ukrainian nationalists in justifying Russia’s 2014 annexation of the Ukraine-controlled Crimea. In January, 2015, Putin inveighed against Ukrainian nationalists — he called them “Banderites,” a reference to the Ukrainian Nationalist and anti-Semite Stepan Bandera, which during WWII fight against soviet army — during a speech he delivered on International Holocaust Memorial Day, when he was Lazar’s guest at Moscow’s Jewish museum.

By contrast, hostile attitudes to Jews are prevalent in only 30 percent of the Russian population, according the Anti-Defamation League’s 2015 world index – less than in France (37 percent), Poland (45 percent) or Ukraine (almost 50 percent).

Putin was also the first Russian leader to visit Israel, where he attended an official reception. He also visited a Moscow synagogue, participated in candle-lighting ceremonies on Chanukah and reportedly had an open door for one of Russia’s two chief rabbis, Berel Lazar.

Under Putin, the Hasidic FJCR became increasingly influential within the Jewish community, partly due to the influence of Federation-supporting businessmen mediated through their alliances with Putin, notably Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich. According to the JTA, Putin is popular amongst the Russian Jewish community, who see him as a force for stability. Russia's chief rabbi, Berel Lazar, said, Russia has in Vladimir Putin its “most pro-Jewish leader,” whom he credits with “fighting anti-Semitism more vigorously than any Russian leader before him.”

For Russia’s Jews, whose estimated numbers range from 100,000 to 500,000, Putin marked a departure from the anti-Semitism of past Communist elites and of the once all-powerful KGB, which he served for nearly two decades.

Treated as a punching bag by Communist rulers and waved off as a nuisance by Boris Yeltsin, the restitution-resistant president who replaced them, Russian Jewry has experienced a golden age under Putin. From the maritime border with Japan to the land border with Finland, dozens of synagogues in Russia have been returned to communities that, with help from Chabad rabbis, began to flourish and open hundreds of kindergartens, schools and Jewish community centers.

While human rights groups reported surges in xenophobic attacks at various times during Putin’s presidency, Jews rarely were the targets. Under Putin, harsh laws have led to a crackdown on ultranationalist groups that once had flourished in Russia. Hundreds, if not thousands of Russian nationalists and anti-Semites were sent to jails during his presidency.

Mikhail Chlenov, secretary general of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, says Putin’s pro-Jewish tendencies are part of the reason that anti-Semitic incidents are relatively rare in Russia. In 2013, the Russian Jewish Congress documented only 10 anti-Jewish attacks and acts of vandalism, compared to dozens in France.

Few would dispute that Putin has been friendly to Jewish institutional life in Russia — especially to organizations and leaders that belong to the Chabad Hasidic movement.

Gorin, a Chabad rabbi and chairman of Moscow’s $50 million Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, credits Putin personally for providing state funding for the institution, which opened in 2012. Putin also donated a month’s wages to the museum.

“Putin has facilitated the opening of synagogues and Jewish community centers across Russia, at the Jewish community’s request. This has had a profound effect on Jewish life, especially outside Moscow,” Gorin said. “He instituted annual meetings with Jewish community leaders and attends community events. His friendship with the Jewish community has given it much prestige and set the tone for local leaders.”

Zvi Gitelman, a professor of Judaic studies at the University of Michigan who studies the relationship between ethnicity and politics in the former Soviet Union, said “Chabad, with the help of Putin, is now the dominant religious expression of Judaism in a mostly nonreligious population,” Gitelman said.

(JTA) — When even Russian policemen had to pass security checks to enter the Sochi Winter Olympics, Rabbi Berel Lazar was waved in without ever showing his ID.

But Lazar and Putin’s relationship seems to go deeper than political expediency. In 2012, Lazar led the Russian leader on a tour of Jerusalem’s Western Wall. And last year Putin made Lazar a member of Russia’s prestigious Merit to the Fatherland order, the country’s highest civilian decoration and one that is rarely conferred on people who were not born in Russia. (Lazar became a Russian citizen in 2000.)

Vladimir Putin for 16 years  was an officer in the KGB, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel but in 2000 he became an uncrowned Tsar of Russia (1/6 of Earth's land), or rather the new global Shah of Oil and the richest man in the world. It is not wise to be too curious about how the rich got their fortune, but many Russians wonder why they are so poor? Why are they poorer than in the most difficult years of Soviet power, and why does Russia have so many orphans, as if in war? The Russian economy is in decline, and almost nothing is done. Everything is purchased from abroad, even military equipment, although the Soviet Union was a leading exporter. Russia has become a third world country, a raw materials appendage of the industrialized world.

Russia excels some African countries in terms of corruption - 154th place out of 178th. The Russian press mentioned that Vladimir Putin has secret savings of more than 40 billion dollars. People wonder how comrade Vladimir Putin  could make a huge fortune and where he, a former Communist and KGB spy keeps his dollars?  In the Kremlin?

From 2000, when Putin became a new President of Russia, the oil prices have risen considerably and Russian economy received more than 2 trillion dollars from oil and gas trade. Not a cent of this money has been invested into real Russian economy. Part of the oil money goes on imported goods and the rest vanished in the pockets jewish bosses who sit on the oil pipe. The eternal question is: "Who Lives Well in Russia?"  At different times, they were different people, but now everyone knows that life is only good for the super-rich oligarchs, mostly Jews.

Putin did not kill Oligarchic rule in Russia, what nonsense! He pushed back Berezhovsky and Khodorovsky, because they were a threat to his rule, which the Money Power needs to be strong and centralized. The Putin – Oligarch deal is quite clear: The Kremlin for him, the economy for them.

According to a report by Russian banking website, which gives the 48 Jews on the list a combined net worth of $132.9 billion, while Jews account for only 0,5% of Russian population. The whole wealth of Russian billionaries is less than 300 billion.

Among the 48 Jews who made the list, 42 are Ashkenazi and together have a net worth of $122.3 billion; the average net worth of each Ashkenazi billionaire stands at $2.9 billion. The wealthiest Ashkenazi is Mikhail Fridman, who has a net worth is $17.6 billion and is Russa’s second richest man. The Ashkenazi billionaires include Viktor Vekselberg (net worth of $17.2 billion), Leonid Michelson (net worth of $15.6 billion), German Khan (net worth of $11.3 billion), Mikhail Prokhorov (net worth of $10.9 billion), and Roman Abramovich (net worth of $9.1 billion).

Journalist Nikolai Svanidze, a member of the Public Chamber of Russia, a consultant for the office of President Vladimir Putin, said in response that the list is a “Nazi report” and that the ethnicities of the wealthiest members of Russian society should not be published, as it is “subject to cause issues.”

The Jewish Rothschild's who created the Soviet Union at the top. Still own Russia, who Abramovich is a front Jew of Russian gov. owned Rosneft in business with Rockefeller [Rockefeller's are Jewish they are of the Rothschild bloodlines] run Exxon and BP despite “sanctions.”

The Putin Government and Chubais are joint owners of RUSNANO.

In 2012, Rothschild Capital Partners bought a 37 percent stake in the Rockefeller’s wealth advisory and asset management group.

Rothschild run Glencore and the Putin Government joined forces to create the world’s largest aluminum company, RUSAL.

The Rothschild Global Financial Advisory is located in downtown Moscow and their website brags of “high level political access” to the Russian government.

Deripaska is CEO of RUSAL.

Abramovich is Putin’s close confidant, and a joint shareholder along with the Russian government in assets such as Gazprom, Aeroflot, and RUSAL.

Putin selected close friend Oleg Deripaska to represent Russia in ABAC (APEC Business Advisory Council). Deripaska is also a close friends and RUSAL business partners with Roman Abramovich.

The Rothschild family are majority shareholders of Rio Tinto. RUSAL and Rio Tinto are involved in joint mining operations despite so called “sanctions” imposed by the West.

The Rothschild family are majority shareholders of Rio Tinto. RUSAL and Rio Tinto are involved in joint mining operations despite so called “sanctions” imposed by the West.

Nat Rothschild is a fellow RUSAL investor, and best friend of Roman Abramovich. Nat is also close friends, and RUSAL business partners with with Oleg Deripaska.

Tags: putin is a jew __


tiistai 22. helmikuuta 2022

40,000 Deaths Following COVID Shots in European Database


40,000 Deaths Following COVID Shots in European Database

40,000 Deaths Following COVID Shots in European Database


The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 39,997 fatalities, and 3,666,011 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:

From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,727,226) are serious injuries.

Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”

Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the four COVID-19 shots we are including here. It is a lot of work to tabulate each reaction with injuries and fatalities, since there is no place on the EudraVigilance system we have found that tabulates all the results.

Since we have started publishing this, others from Europe have also calculated the numbers and confirmed the totals.*

Here is the summary data through February 12, 2022.

Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2,Comirnaty) from BioNTechPfizer: 18,185 deathand 1,791,261 injuries to 12/02/2022

  • 50,761   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 254 deaths
  • 61,233   Cardiac disorders incl. 2,638 deaths
  • 547        Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 55 deaths
  • 23,657   Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 12 deaths
  • 2,077     Endocrine disorders incl. 8 deaths
  • 27,111   Eye disorders incl. 39 deaths
  • 138,253 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 706 deaths
  • 443,764 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 5,190 deaths
  • 2,025     Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 95 deaths
  • 19,243   Immune system disorders incl. 99 deaths
  • 84,884   Infections and infestations incl. 1,931 deaths
  • 35,665   Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 349 deaths
  • 44,308   Investigations incl. 520 deaths
  • 11,795   Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 289 deaths
  • 209,669 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 228 deaths
  • 1,744     Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 166 deaths
  • 290,349 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,926 deaths
  • 2,658     Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 75 deaths
  • 262        Product issues incl. 3 deaths
  • 32,195   Psychiatric disorders incl. 216 deaths
  • 6,509     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 272 deaths
  • 74,588   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 6 deaths
  • 75,926   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,932 deaths
  • 81,815   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 146 deaths
  • 4,127     Social circumstances incl. 23 deaths
  • 21,849   Surgical and medical procedures incl. 208 deaths
  • 44,247   Vascular disorders incl. 799 deaths

Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna: 11,138 deathand 573,035 injuries to 12/02/2022

  • 13,383   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 120 deaths
  • 19,462   Cardiac disorders incl. 1,169 deaths
  • 198        Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 12 deaths
  • 6,688     Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 8 deaths
  • 533        Endocrine disorders incl. 6 deaths
  • 7,856     Eye disorders incl. 35 deaths
  • 46,468   Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 416 deaths
  • 152,534 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 3,672 deaths
  • 819        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 55 deaths
  • 5,683     Immune system disorders incl. 21 deaths
  • 24,462   Infections and infestations incl. 1,051 deaths
  • 10,555   Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 211 deaths
  • 12,633   Investigations incl. 395 deaths
  • 4,996     Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 268 deaths
  • 70,107   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 221 deaths
  • 700        Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 86 deaths
  • 95,946   Nervous system disorders incl. 1,040 deaths
  • 925        Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 10 deaths
  • 101        Product issues incl. 4 deaths
  • 9,813     Psychiatric disorders incl. 181 deaths
  • 3,157     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 218 deaths
  • 14,047   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 9 deaths
  • 24,308   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,178 deaths
  • 29,172   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 96 deaths
  • 2,325     Social circumstances incl. 45 deaths
  • 3,585     Surgical and medical procedures incl. 206 deaths
  • 12,579   Vascular disorders incl. 405 deaths           

Total reactions for the vaccine AZD1222/VAXZEVRIA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca8,174 deathand 1,170,321 injuries to 12/02/2022

  • 14,038   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 279 deaths
  • 21,330   Cardiac disorders incl. 854 deaths
  • 241        Congenital familial and genetic disorders incl. 9 deaths
  • 13,580   Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 7 deaths
  • 709        Endocrine disorders incl. 6 deaths
  • 20,310   Eye disorders incl. 32 deaths
  • 108,425 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 447 deaths
  • 309,230 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 1,893 deaths
  • 1,062     Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 70 deaths
  • 5,495     Immune system disorders incl. 40 deaths
  • 43,810   Infections and infestations incl. 634 deaths
  • 13,918   Injury poisoning and procedural complications incl. 201 deaths
  • 26,112   Investigations incl. 206 deaths
  • 13,147   Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 132 deaths
  • 170,055 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 171 deaths
  • 769        Neoplasms benign malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 42 deaths
  • 236,745 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,199 deaths
  • 631        Pregnancy puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 21 deaths
  • 199        Product issues incl. 1 death
  • 21,273   Psychiatric disorders incl. 73 deaths
  • 4,416     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 82 deaths
  • 17,181   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 3 deaths
  • 42,021   Respiratory thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,119 deaths
  • 52,622   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 69 deaths
  • 1,657     Social circumstances incl. 9 deaths
  • 2,217     Surgical and medical procedures incl. 33 deaths
  • 29,128   Vascular disorders incl. 542 deaths      

Total reactions for the COVID-19 vaccine JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S) from Johnson & Johnson2,500 deaths and 131,394 injuries to 12/02/2022

  • 1,272     Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 54 deaths
  • 2,671     Cardiac disorders incl. 211 deaths
  • 44           Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 1 death
  • 1,382     Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 3 deaths
  • 109        Endocrine disorders incl. 2 deaths
  • 1,710     Eye disorders incl. 10 deaths
  • 9,791     Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 94 deaths
  • 35,428   General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 708 deaths
  • 160        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 15 deaths
  • 572        Immune system disorders incl. 10 deaths
  • 8,881     Infections and infestations incl. 211 deaths
  • 1,230     Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 26 deaths
  • 6,393     Investigations incl. 134 deaths
  • 793        Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 63 deaths
  • 17,493   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 57 deaths
  • 95           Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 9 deaths
  • 23,989   Nervous system disorders incl. 248 deaths
  • 61           Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 1 death
  • 31           Product issues
  • 1,844     Psychiatric disorders incl. 24 deaths
  • 560        Renal and urinary disorders incl. 32 deaths
  • 3,189     Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 7 deaths
  • 4,649     Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 314 deaths
  • 3,894     Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 12 deaths
  • 429        Social circumstances incl. 4 deaths
  • 932        Surgical and medical procedures incl. 75 deaths
  • 3,792     Vascular disorders incl. 175 deaths

*These totals are estimates based on reports submitted to EudraVigilance. Totals may be much higher based on percentage of adverse reactions that are reported. Some of these reports may also be reported to the individual country’s adverse reaction databases, such as the U.S. VAERS database and the UK Yellow Card system. The fatalities are grouped by symptoms, and some fatalities may have resulted from multiple symptoms.



Published to The Liberty Beacon from


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