maanantai 9. joulukuuta 2019

'Reliable' information with British funding - The western troll factory

Google translated from finnish - This is a developing story
  • New revelations from Anonymous hacker legion.
  • ZINC Network.
  • The Institute for statecraft.
  • Bellingcat, Aktis Strategy.
  • Atlantic Council's DFR Lab.
  • Toro Risk Solutions.
  • George Soros's Open Society - Media Diversity Institute.

'Reliable' information with British funding - new revelations from the western troll factory

By Riikka Söyring -30.3.2019

The Vastavalkea mazagine asked in December 2018 , was there found in the first Finnish NATO-troll from Great Britain, the US and NATO troll factory?
In the light of new information leaks has been confirmed and the answer is: Yes!

New revelations from the Anonymous Hacking Legion shows that Jessikka Aro, a Bonnier-award-winning "investigative journalist" who ranks high on the payroll, searching of Russian trolls.
Jessika Aro is set to members of the advisory panel organisation cluster, which consists of the following players: 
  • Associations, brands and governments to "positive social change" helping the fee ZINC Network ,
  • British ministries funded by the "charitable organization" The Institute for statecraft (statecraft Institute)
  • NATO formed Bellingcat "independent researchers" financed, Aktis Strategy ,
  • NATO think tank Atlantic Council's DFR Lab , a train suppliers "fair news reporting";
  • Toro Risk Solutions , effective Europe-wide research and consulting firm Ecorys , as well as the European Commission, the British government, the US State Department, the UN and the George Soros-funded Open Society Foundations' Media Diversity Institute .

ZINC Network document shown in the organizational diagram (p. 60).
Aro's name two paragraphs.

This is the plan dated 31 August 2018, ZINC Network drawn up and presented by the British Foreign Ministry, which is associated EXPOSE called the Network Program. The program target is multiplied by the Russian disinformation produced by the disclosure of European countries, NGOs in training, resource coordination and cooperation between them.
Hacked draft mandate  ( Terms of Reference for contractors to develop a network of NGOs Exposing disinformation ) reveals the British Foreign Office (FCO, Foreign and Commonwealth Office) inquired into the existence in 2018 of subcontractors networks to create a civil association, whose mission is to expose disinformation state of decline. In other words, the "non-governmental organizations' funding should be Ministry of Foreign Affairs. State hired by non-governmental organizations and -journalistit to work as part of the British Foreign Office Counter Disinformation and Media Development (CDMD) project.
DOCUMENT ON THE BASIS OF  enlist the activities of non-governmental organizations and -journalistit would receive commissions they produce, as well as material expenses, which were sought separately by filling in forms.

Foreign Ministry of the document would be entitled to inspect the material produced prior to publication, as well as the accounting of paid and non-governmental journalist´s organisation. Content providers would meet the Foreign Ministry representative at least once a month, and these meetings memo drawn up. The project, in turn, would report on a quarterly basis the Foreign Ministry and the Executive Board formed by representatives of the stakeholders to whom each content provider would be obliged to deliver before the meetings a written report on their progress.
the planned three-year CDMD project envisaged a budget of £ 3 million budget for the period 2018-19, 3 250 000 GBP for the period 2019-20 and for the last period 2020-21 the highest amount of 3.5 million pounds. According to plan, the project will end in March 2021.

All the hacked documents can be found  
here .
The troll network, which Aro now works on, according to documents released to the public, seeks to create, grow and maintain a network to combat [Kremlin] disinformation, among other things. producing and reproducing "reliable narratives" presented by selected media faces.

considered to belong to  the dissemination of false or misleading information, but also to those seen as anti-democratic goals than the mainstream media's credibility disintegration (Are not they do it all by yourself?  -Ed. ), As well as increasing cynicism and distrust of democratic institutions and processes point.
The extensive, already operating in many countries troll network a number of different projects. One of these is the British Ministry of  The Responses, Countermeasures, Defense and Deterrence project .
The project leaflet task of the first stage of gathering evidence to strengthen the Russian - and later possibly also China and Iran - the fight against the model. Stage two is planned retaliation frame, which is used in defense, as well as deterrence. The third stage presents the output of the agreed public, including civil society, government, the media and other influential actors (influencers). All three steps leading to the same two experts, whose expenses, incl. traveling and research, will be covered by a separate proposed budget of £ 100 000.
"This project [which seeks to understand and respond to the Russian active measures],  it is best to take care of [British] outside the direct control of the government in order to minimize the inevitable accusations that the project would be part of the wizard, funded by the Government of active operations .

Using the IFS in [IfS, the Institute for statecraft, namely Institute of statecraft] far-reaching, extensive and reliable [troll] network, including its existing Integrity Initiative project can be [The Responses, Countermeasures, Defense and Deterrence -]  project considered somewhat hidden  while achieving state and non-state actors, who are not so open to the central government approaches in this area. "(my accent)
Institute of statecraft
"Launched in 2015  Integrity Initiative  to track, expose and to meet the growing Russian influence in the malicious disinformation in the west and the establishment of networks to nine European countries, as well as starting the fourteen other country in the development of networks; are scheduled to be fully operational at the end of March 2019. As part of this work the Institute has signed a 43-governmental organization cooperation agreement (NGOs) and other regional groups of experts from various European countries, building grassroots campaigns [....] "( P. 42 )
ZINC Network document  explains statecraft Institute working in international institutions, governments, academia and the business sector, and with the states that the Institute manages a wide network consisting of experts and researchers in all sectors of international security. The Institute also "implement practical mechanisms to allow for good governance, capacity building and organizational reforms in national and regional governments as well as large institutions, and especially in areas of national security".
In other words, the British government seeks to steer secretly financed by troll network policies of other countries, as well as the activities of international structures, as well as to mask these activities in Russia, China and Iran to respond to an alleged threat.
On page 44 of the document deals with streams of the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs the cost of a network of risk management and development of business models and content providers of physical, kyber- and the general safety of the disposal, in the context of Finnish Jessika Aro.
On the same page are also told that two experts Bellingcat organization could work training positions for up to two weeks per year for each organization involved in the project. It is further disclosed that ZINC Network expert should train content providers target audience surveying purposes using sophisticated mapping and listening tools (mapping tools and listening) and targeting profiles construction. ZINC explains the support offered by the creative production network to be able to help troll network allows content providers to build "effective products and content," editing the target audience of opinion.

In order to facilitate content authoring troll network offered mm. funding and training for professional-level analysis and use tracking applications.
Furthermore, the text says (p. 45) Bellingcatin the trainer of the year 2014 more than 350 different individuals from various organizations, which are mentioned as examples the International Criminal Court (ICC), the United Nations and most of the well-known human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch.
Has Jessika Aro INCLUDED in these different organizations selected the nominees by the Bellingcat has been training since 2014?
Or belongs she to the ZINC Network experts already trained?If so, what Finnish Act on Data Protection Supervisor and say that bodies financed by a foreign state Ministry of Foreign Affairs and NATO train Finnish journalists even use the privacy-breaking - and possibly also the national security of the State of Finland, which harm - the software a threat to Russia under the pretext of the fight?

What about the Union of Journalists?
Does the Union of Journalists in the source protection and multi-toned society's future is best secured by such means?

Is this because the parliament had to approved by 11 March at the new changes in the civil and military intelligence law ?
Document  on page 51 goes through troll network opportunities to target resources in elections in countries which are of particular interest in the subject of the British Foreign Ministry.
In addition to the effect of the possibilities offered by the social media voters to influence (control of naturally disinformative deemed to influence the election) through the mass media and governments. All electoral influence during the process learned could be fed-called multilateral institutions and governments SCALEksi database for recovery in the future.

This would be useful for influencing the election-focused organizations, which are proposed to be set up. "Psycho Graphic segmentation" to help assess the type of communication, ie. The election influence, attitudes to different types of groups (groupings different attitudinal) should be allocated.
"Network managers focus on building a list of talking heads [ie. an appropriate opinion of experts] vendors operating in the territory [interview] for the needs ", explains the document on page 59." If the advisory panel members or find specific opportunities can be negotiated mediakumppanuuksista. These ratios would ensure that governmental organizations can regularly across each of the [target] visibility and availability of content in the media, adding a key to the public. "
Zinc document explains (p. 5), that "reliable media" and "democratic values" to promote players is financed by international contributions, which are not registered as external funding sources ( " supporting participants make and receive international payments without being registered as external sources of funding ") .The tax authorities would think of people to be interested in the gray intended to search for evidence of gray-generating economic policies of income.
Will YLE allow  Aro´s continue its payroll and give him the media space now when the documents become public, it is clear that he also works with troll network paid, the goal of which is to influence the functioning of civil society, governments and international structures? Do I have to Yle tax-funded employer was aware of their employees Yle: Against the background of Russia's published material and activities, the possibility of external funding? 

Hacked material has a number of forms, for example. 
for applying for reimbursement of costs.

If Yle has been recognized Aro's dual role, why Yle is involved in  a reliable and responsible journalism campaign  by publishing the NATO and EU troll factory stuff?
How Journalists' Association welcomes 
Jessika Aro's agendalliseen activities?
Is the parliament -  to hear Aro a specialist  on freedom of expression and freedom of information issues and influence - was not aware of Aro's fifth kolonnaan compare with the activities,  for which there is indication already a lot in the past ?

What about whether the Finnish government was aware of Aro's double role?

My assessment is that at least the Finnish Defense Forces'
supreme commander, President Sauli Niinistö (National Coalition Party), the Finnish military intelligence, as well as with the British Minister of Defense signed a military cooperation agreement Jussi Niinistö (sin) have been aware of and approved Aro: to promote the activities of foreign state interests. 
 Photo:  Jessika Aro:  Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs  ( CC BY 2.0 )

Aro righteous might dispute together YLE and message Corporation 's (HS) MV with the magazine  
Ilya Janitsikin a  defender mm. the publication of fake news.

How to Finnish judicial system takes into account Janitskinin case of balancing the fact that Aro's - and possibly also Yle - Janitskin: against a background of an action brought by it may be NATO, Great Britain and the EU troll factory's invitation to silence the Janitskin by any means necessary?

Does it cost dealt with in this article troll network Jessika Aron costs Ilya Janitskinia against? The idea is not impossible, as stated in the material Zinc troll network content providers offered insurance benefits as well as legal and financial assistance in connection with litigation.
Hacked used in this document, the main source of the name, the Network of NGOs ( "NGO network"), is funny.
It therefore refers to NATO, the EU Commission and the British government-funded think-tanks, associations, sub-contracting companies and media actors in a cluster, the purpose of which is to produce propaganda for mielipideohjailuun population in governmental and commercial mass media for publication.

In describing "a network of non-governmental organizations" is aptly described by the truth of this current post, where 
almost everything is the opposite than what official tells the truth.

Editor's comment

The troll network´s "Upskillingto Upscape" report says (p. 8) disinformation influence to the Kremlin has been a success in Europe, because it takes advantage of [society] existing fracture lines and the ongoing discussion of grievances, the low level of public awareness and the poor media literacy. The problem is also defined as the fact that Europe's population is dissatisfied and discussing the issue - the solution is just the story of the discovery of a massive and tuuttaaminen, does not repair defects.

The report on pages 9 and 10 of the European Kremlin threatens freedom by publishing their own material, although it has been attempted to prohibit and prevent from doing it. The report authors own thinking blindness internal conflicts have in some places through the whole report so obvious that it can not but wonder decorate each man's ability to maintain and live in several, mutually opposite reality in the tunnel at the same time.

Personal opinion, I propose that the European discontent and distrust of institutions is not created by the Kremlin but it's pretty homespun, the so-called poor afflicted. responsible policies and a lack of economic talouskurilla produced the result. Without any doubt the Kremlin to take advantage of the situation, but the Kremlin is not the birth, but it did, "the bearers of responsibility", all by yourself. It is absurd to imagine the way the authors report that the situation will be rectified by producing a nice speech bread standing in the queue to be read and accusing the existence of the bread queue of Russia. If the EU would be truly functional and the population satisfied, the EU or the British government would not have to pay for such consultation cashiers Well, there goes! -disinformation the production or NATO countries to convince attack wars to be defensive.

The discount and misinformation about, or, to use a fashionable term hybrid warfare, with the is so that the parties must always be more than two, and no party has a monopoly on the truth. Who believes that NATO, the EU and the British government troll factory to produce unbiased, ideologically non-biased material, probably also believes that a coin has only one side. 

Riikka Söyring

The main source of:
ZINC Network (08/31/2018):  Network of NGOs - Submitted to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)

Article Image:  trolvag  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 )



Do you think millions of people from around the world should now believe the investigations of the man?

Apart from all that, the document contains many curious facts about high security projects members of the consortium are implementing inside the United Kingdom, about their secret foreign operations (including the Integrity Initiative), CVs of officials and their proposals to the FCO on developing the EXPOSE Network.

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Please note that every member of the meeting was very well aware of what they were supposed to do:
“…unmanaged risks could undermine not only the project’s effectiveness but also the FCO’s broader reputation, credibility and relationships in this space.” (page 61 ZINC Network_Technical Response_Final)
“Project interpreted as UK-sponsored disinformation or “troll factory”, seriously undermining UK reputation and agenda in this space.” (page 63 ZINC Network_Technical Response_Final)

We also publish all technical documentation of the EXPOSE Network project that we have at our disposal:

We again urge European countries to defend their sovereignty and make sure the UK Government stop all secret operations they are conducting in the united Europe!
Citizens of Great Britain! It’s high time you cast off the shackles of lies and hypocrisy of your ruling elite and brought the scoundrels to trial!



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