lauantai 15. toukokuuta 2021

Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour

  • Studies have shown that nerve cell proteins which are activated by heat and mechanical pressure can be genetically engineered so that they become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields.
  • The new technique builds on this earlier work, and is based on a protein called TRPV4, which is sensitive to both temperature and stretching forces.
  • When they introduced this genetic construct into human embryonic kidney cells growing in Petri dishes, the cells synthesized the ‘Magneto’ protein and inserted it into their membrane.
  • 11 different videos of magnets sticking to the vaccine site.
  • Magnetism INTENTIONALLY Added to ‘Vaccine’ to Force mRNA Through Entire Body?

Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour

“Badass” new method uses a magnetised protein to activate brain cells rapidly, reversibly, and non-invasively

The toroidal magnetic chamber (Tokamak) of the Joint European Torus (JET) at the Culham
Science Centre. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

@mocost | 
Thu 24 Mar 2016 10.30 EDT

Researchers in the United States have developed a new method for controlling the brain circuits associated with complex animal behaviours, using genetic engineering to create a magnetised protein that activates specific groups of nerve cells from a distance.

Understanding how the brain generates behaviour is one of the ultimate goals of neuroscience – and one of its most difficult questions. In recent years, researchers have developed a number of methods that enable them to remotely control specified groups of neurons and to probe the workings of neuronal circuits.

The most powerful of these is a method called optogenetics, which enables researchers to switch populations of related neurons on or off on a millisecond-by-millisecond timescale with pulses of laser light. Another recently developed method, called chemogenetics, uses engineered proteins that are activated by designer drugs and can be targeted to specific cell types.

Although powerful, both of these methods have drawbacks. Optogenetics is invasive, requiring insertion of optical fibres that deliver the light pulses into the brain and, furthermore, the extent to which the light penetrates the dense brain tissue is severely limited. Chemogenetic approaches overcome both of these limitations, but typically induce biochemical reactions that take several seconds to activate nerve cells.

The new technique, developed in Ali Güler’s lab at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, and described in an advance online publication in the journal Nature Neuroscience, is not only non-invasive, but can also activate neurons rapidly and reversibly.

Several earlier studies have shown that nerve cell proteins which are activated by heat and mechanical pressure can be genetically engineered so that they become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields, by attaching them to an iron-storing protein called ferritin, or to inorganic paramagnetic particles. These methods represent an important advance – they have, for example, already been used to regulate blood glucose levels in mice – but involve multiple components which have to be introduced separately.

The new technique builds on this earlier work, and is based on a protein called TRPV4, which is sensitive to both temperature and stretching forces. These stimuli open its central pore, allowing electrical current to flow through the cell membrane; this evokes nervous impulses that travel into the spinal cord and then up to the brain.

Güler and his colleagues reasoned that magnetic torque (or rotating) forces might activate TRPV4 by tugging open its central pore, and so they used genetic engineering to fuse the protein to the paramagnetic region of ferritin, together with short DNA sequences that signal cells to transport proteins to the nerve cell membrane and insert them into it.

In vivo manipulation of zebrafish behavior using Magneto. Zebrafish larvae exhibit coiling behaviour in response to localized magnetic fields. From Wheeler et al (2016).

When they introduced this genetic construct into human embryonic kidney cells growing in Petri dishes, the cells synthesized the ‘Magneto’ protein and inserted it into their membrane. Application of a magnetic field activated the engineered TRPV1 protein, as evidenced by transient increases in calcium ion concentration within the cells, which were detected with a fluorescence microscope.

Next, the researchers inserted the Magneto DNA sequence into the genome of a virus, together with the gene encoding green fluorescent protein, and regulatory DNA sequences that cause the construct to be expressed only in specified types of neurons. They then injected the virus into the brains of mice, targeting the entorhinal cortex, and dissected the animals’ brains to identify the cells that emitted green fluorescence. Using microelectrodes, they then showed that applying a magnetic field to the brain slices activated Magneto so that the cells produce nervous impulses.

To determine whether Magneto can be used to manipulate neuronal activity in live animals, they injected Magneto into zebrafish larvae, targeting neurons in the trunk and tail that normally control an escape response. They then placed the zebrafish larvae into a specially-built magnetised aquarium, and found that exposure to a magnetic field induced coiling manouvres similar to those that occur during the escape response. (This experiment involved a total of nine zebrafish larvae, and subsequent analyses revealed that each larva contained about 5 neurons expressing Magneto.)

In one final experiment, the researchers injected Magneto into the striatum of freely behaving mice, a deep brain structure containing dopamine-producing neurons that are involved in reward and motivation, and then placed the animals into an apparatus split into magnetised a non-magnetised sections. Mice expressing Magneto spent far more time in the magnetised areas than mice that did not, because activation of the protein caused the striatal neurons expressing it to release dopamine, so that the mice found being in those areas rewarding. This shows that Magneto can remotely control the firing of neurons deep within the brain, and also control complex behaviours.

Neuroscientist Steve Ramirez of Harvard University, who uses optogenetics to manipulate memories in the brains of mice, says the study is “badass”.

“Previous attempts [using magnets to control neuronal activity] needed multiple components for the system to work – injecting magnetic particles, injecting a virus that expresses a heat-sensitive channel, [or] head-fixing the animal so that a coil could induce changes in magnetism,” he explains. “The problem with having a multi-component system is that there’s so much room for each individual piece to break down.”

“This system is a single, elegant virus that can be injected anywhere in the brain, which makes it technically easier and less likely for moving bells and whistles to break down,” he adds, “and their behavioral equipment was cleverly designed to contain magnets where appropriate so that the animals could be freely moving around.”

‘Magnetogenetics’ is therefore an important addition to neuroscientists’ tool box, which will undoubtedly be developed further, and provide researchers with new ways of studying brain development and function.


Wheeler, M. A., et al. (2016). Genetically targeted magnetic control of the nervous system. Nat. Neurosci., DOI: 10.1038/nn.4265 [Abstract]


One hour of Covid shots detected by stud finders, metal detectors and magnets

REPEAT: I have definitely figured out why the covid vaccine is causing blood clots

They are claiming the spike protein does it and yada yada. That's not it at all. 
The real reason why the covid vaccine is causing blood clots is because the only readily available metal in your body is the iron in the blood, and the vaccine has nanobots that are attacking the blood to get that iron so they can build something with it. And your body has been re-programmed genetically after the shot to produce more nanobots, which attack the blood more.

The shot is the most sinister thing ever done out in the open, while in secret.

WAIT FOR IT: Massive mandatory vaccine mandates

I have already stated that once the magnet topic went viral, they'd then get tough and make the shot MANDATORY. And that's exactly what they are trying to do, if people can't be suckered into it they will be forced into it. Already more than 200 colleges have made the vax mandatory for attendance. It is not yet illegal to not be vaccinated, but they are going to try it, just wait. And the reason is because when people see the results of the vaccine in a tangible way which a magnet sticking to someone definitely is, they are going to resist, and that resistance will be met with force

Vaccine injection sites will likely necrophy and turn into huge open sores

We are only at the beginning of this, but it is clear the clotting is happening because the blood is attacked by the vaccine so something metallic can be built at the injection site, (or wherever else the vax is programming people's bodies to build things,) and that's not known yet - however, when you look at how wide an area some of these injection sites are being built out to, it is becoming obvious that whatever is being built might start cutting off blood flow to the surrounding tissue, and if that progresses far enough, the surrounding tissue will die. We are probably a few months away from seeing huge and open sores on people from the vax. Simple rationality says so.

The world will soon change in huge ways no one ever thought or dreamed of. The genie is out of the bottle, that vax has already fundamentally changed those who received more than saline. Since when have people had a magnetic spot? That's a fundamental change in their existence. This won't end well, bet on it.

The Magneto protein reports are legit, the vax is clearly for remote mind control

100 percent of the information in the quoted report below is from 2016 or earlier, they had time to work on this. This is what the vax is, obviously.

The vax is supposed to install a remote controllable system into people's brains that will make the controllers able to force people to believe or act on whatever the controllers want.

This would be the end of free agency, and a reason for the Lord to return -

From The Guardian, in 2016 (which means this tech is older than that) Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour

"Badass" new method uses a magnetised protein to activate brain cells rapidly, reversibly, and non-invasively

Researchers in the United States have developed a new method for controlling the brain circuits associated with complex animal behaviours, using genetic engineering to create a magnetised protein that activates specific groups of nerve cells from a distance. In recent years, researchers have developed a number of methods that enable them to remotely control specified groups of neurons and to probe the workings of neuronal circuits.

Several earlier studies have shown that nerve cell proteins which are activated by heat and mechanical pressure can be genetically engineered so that they become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields, by attaching them to an iron-storing protein called ferritin, or to inorganic paramagnetic particles. These methods represent an important advance - they have, for example, already been used to regulate blood glucose levels in mice - but involve multiple components which have to be introduced separately.

The new technique builds on this earlier work, and is based on a protein called TRPV4, which is sensitive to both temperature and stretching forces. These stimuli open its central pore, allowing electrical current to flow through the cell membrane; this evokes nervous impulses that travel into the spinal cord and then up to the brain.

Guler and his colleagues reasoned that magnetic torque (or rotating) forces might activate TRPV4 by tugging open its central pore, and so they used genetic engineering to fuse the protein to the paramagnetic region of ferritin, together with short DNA sequences that signal cells to transport proteins to the nerve cell membrane and insert them into it.

When they introduced this genetic construct into human embryonic kidney cells growing in Petri dishes, the cells synthesized the 'Magneto' protein and inserted it into their membrane. Application of a magnetic field activated the engineered TRPV1 protein, as evidenced by transient increases in calcium ion concentration within the cells, which were detected with a fluorescence microscope.

Next, the researchers inserted the Magneto DNA sequence into the genome of a virus, together with the gene encoding green fluorescent protein, and regulatory DNA sequences that cause the construct to be expressed only in specified types of neurons. They then injected the virus into the brains of mice, targeting the entorhinal cortex, and dissected the animals' brains to identify the cells that emitted green fluorescence. Using microelectrodes, they then showed that applying a magnetic field to the brain slices activated Magneto so that the cells produce nervous impulses.

To determine whether Magneto can be used to manipulate neuronal activity in live animals, they injected Magneto into zebrafish larvae, targeting neurons in the trunk and tail that normally control an escape response. They then placed the zebrafish larvae into a specially-built magnetised aquarium, and found that exposure to a magnetic field induced coiling manouvres similar to those that occur during the escape response. (This experiment involved a total of nine zebrafish larvae, and subsequent analyses revealed that each larva contained about 5 neurons expressing Magneto.)

In one final experiment, the researchers injected Magneto into the striatum of freely behaving mice, a deep brain structure containing dopamine-producing neurons that are involved in reward and motivation, and then placed the animals into an apparatus split into magnetised a non-magnetised sections. Mice expressing Magneto spent far more time in the magnetised areas than mice that did not, because activation of the protein caused the striatal neurons expressing it to release dopamine, so that the mice found being in those areas rewarding. This shows that Magneto can remotely control the firing of neurons deep within the brain, and also control complex behaviours.

Neuroscientist Steve Ramirez of Harvard University, who uses optogenetics to manipulate memories in the brains of mice, says the study is "badass".

My comment: This tech is old. Old enough for all of this to be said in a 2016 report. Once this was discovered, there's little question Gates and others got to work to immediately figure out how to make a shot which when injected in the arm was able to build whatever was wanted in the brain. The shot probably commands the body to produce nanobots that build whatever they want, wherever they want and it has to attack the blood to get the iron for the magneto protein thus resulting in clots.

And more - the covid swabs which swabbed the cribriform plate which is right on the brain probably had this tech in them too.

Whatever this shot does probably connects to 5G, just like everyone feared.


After watching a lot of magnets stick to vaccines and hearing what people are saying, my conclusion is:

These people can never go into an MRI again for the rest of their lives. I think whatever was in the vax that is magnetic was some sort of self replicating nano tech, (a chip was not injected) it was instead a nanotech with a bunch of nanobots that are building structures in the arm at the injection site that are magnetic.

The needles being used for the vax are too small for an ID chip and an ID chip, even at full size, probably would not be enough to attract a magnet.

If they are going to have nanobots build a magnetic structure in the body, those nanobots have to work with whatever the body has available to do it with. The only readily available source of magnetic metal in the body is hemoglobin in the blood, where a nano tech device could get iron to build something with. I don't think a shot alone that was only 1CC or less could have made people THAT magnetic. They are VERY magnetic. which means whatever is under their skin making that happen had to come from their own bodies if a magnet will stick to it right through their skin.

At first I figured it might just be the shot and that you'd need a neodymium magnet to see the effect. But ordinary ceramic magnets and flexible refrigerator magnets also work, and they work with force, often over an area 4 inches square. It is not a fringe effect. Something serious is going on with this, that involves the body being instructed to build something that is either metallic or emits a magnetic field.

WHAT IF all the blood clots are happening because the shot released a bunch of nanobots, which attacked the blood to steal it's hemoglobin so they could build something at the injection site? I BET that's not a "what if".

And I'll make a bet that eventually they'll transport at least part of that structure to the right hand or forehead . . . . .

Alex FINALLY featured the magnetic Covid vax

I was wondering if he was going to skip it. Perhaps he was trying to be careful. I knew it was legit right off the bat when I double checked to see if MRI's were allowed right after the vax. When they were not allowed, it was obvious the first woman I posted was not faking it. An MRI would make your arm explode if it was that magnetic.

So the question is, now that Alex has this, what they are going to do? His audience is so huge it is going to be a real problem shutting it up, especially since anyone with a magnet can prove it is true, the elite can't just go to these people who are now magnetic and take it all back. They might have been able to bury my half million or so views but they simply won't bury Alex and his 10 million plus once everyone links it out. Snopes can't even troll this, but you can bet Snopes will try.

Things are going to get real interesting now. What on EARTH are the psychopaths going to do now that their vax has been provably and demonstrably busted?

Think anyone is going to be going in for THAT? Think anyone is going to be going in for their regularly scheduled updates? Probably not!!! They have about 5 percent of the global population nailed with this, that will be enough for the freak show. WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH. Every single case will be a nuclear weapon against their con job. A lot of people might be stupid enough to get the vax absent this new revelation, but now that people are all over the place that can prove it is not actually a vax it is GAME OVER.

What is the tribe going to do now? Blow a bridge? Set off a nuke? Do an alien scare? They need SOMETHING - ANYTHING - they don't want to give up. Their credibility is so horribly doxxed over this they'll never get over it. They are totally primed to do something truly horrific now, (as if the vax was not horrific enough) - it definitely was - but they will probably want something that works a whole lot faster than poking people with needles now. Let's just hope to God the shedder spreaders don't finish the job for them. Let's all hope they did not hit critical mass yet.


Americans: You can kill half the population with a bioweapon shot, but as long as you don't take their guns, they won't shoot!!!

11 different videos of magnets sticking to the vaccine site

I am glad I forced this issue, it went viral and people are now confirming this. They won't keep this contained.

What I learned from these vids: It is not a spurious weak effect. It sticks with enough force to attract weak refrigerator magnets. You do not need a neodymium magnet to test this. AND, you can forget MRI's, probably forever because the magnet sticks to weeks old shots just as strongly as it sticks to shots from the same day. This means it is not dispersing. I don't know what to say.

The site may have been boring with this being for the most part the only topic for 2.5 days (3 before I do more updates), but this site is the one that broke this, and it was worth it. The genie is out of the bottle.

I'll say this: This was all supposed to be clandestine - the horrible reactions were supposed to stay buried. The shedding to other people was supposed to stay buried. And the magnet issue probably would have stayed buried if I did not ram this into the spotlight with my own servers, yes, the original videos still exist but videos have a habit of vanishing when they are not backed up and posted in places "they" don't control. They can't get away with deleting them if someone prominent has them up anyway.

I wonder how long it will take Natural News and Alex and Rense to pick up on this . . . . UPDATE, Rense has this now. 



This time it was some guys who did it in a way that's not easy to troll. Their only error was saying he's been chipped. I say that's not likely, what's far more likely is that the shot has so many nanobots it behaves like ferrofluid. If it was a chip, you'd never be able to get an MRI near the injection site for your entire life. They are saying wait 6-10 weeks before getting an MRI near the injection site, so obviously whatever is causing the magnet to react will eventually disperse, and that means nanobots. Probably a LOT worse than any chip.

To my surprise, a lot of people are having a hard time believing the following post about magnets sticking to a fresh covid injection. However, if you're not supposed to get an MRI for 6-10 weeks after the shot, I beg to question why not? 

WHY NOT?? Answer: Because you can't put magnetic materials into an MRI, and the shot needs to totally disperse, because it is indeed magnetic. And how would it be magnetic? Nanobots, obviously.

(Really inexperienced) and/or stupid people or outright trolls (and I'll pull no punches this time) are also saying there's no way this could work because the shot is a liquid and "anything in it would be too small to develop magnetic attraction". That's total horse sh*t, have people really forgotten ferrofluid?


You know - that magnetic liquid used to cool the voice coils of high performance speakers? 
That's not an obscure topic for ANYONE who has an ounce of tech sense.
It's obviously not the classic ferrofluid in the shot, but there's absolutely nothing stopping it from acting exactly the same way. I had such speakers in the 90's and the ferrofluid was completely clear. I discovered this when I had to change the tweeter diaphragms. It was like a totally clear oil. I believe this woman's video is legit 100 percent and am not one bit stupid. Hell yes there's a way this could be real. There has to be a reason why you should avoid MRI's for a period of time after the shot, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT REASON? Easy answer: You can't go into the world's most powerful magnetic medical equipment with a magnetic substance in you unless that substance is totally dispersed. It would rip that woman's arm apart if she went into an MRI like that. WATCH THE VIDEO.

Covid jab CONFIRMED: Magnets stick to a fresh covid jab.

When you don't get the saline that is.


The Pfizer jab does indeed make a magnet stick to people's arms where they got the shot.

I have now confirmed the shot probably contains nanobots, because you are supposed to wait 6 - 10 WEEKS after the shot before you get a MRI most likely because the nanobots have to disperse or the MRI will rip your arm apart. PROOF OF THIS IS RIGHT BELOW THE VIDEO. IT IS NOT BULLSHIT.

That's a strong attraction. How's that going to work in an MRI???


There probably is no coronavirus, but the spike protein alone would do enough.

Consider what has happened with this "outbreak" - early on it was discovered that people were not actually suffocating, they were instead dying from blood clots. 
The spike protein the vax tells your body to make is causing blood clots. They are claiming that the spike protein on the virus is what caused the blood clots. But what if there's no virus, and all they did was release a self-replicating spike protein, the effects of which we are seeing when the vaxxed work among the un-vaxxed, and pass the spike protein to the un-vaxxed?

What if all they did was spread a spike protein around where people would breathe it in, and it was failing to successfully spread well enough, so they started jabbing everyone they could with it?


Get the Covid vax, go to hell?

Youtube deleted this (that's a credibility booster) and it is now on Bitchute. I will say this: If magnets are sticking to people who got the vax, something is HORRIBLY WRONG.

And he causeth ALL to receive the mark . . . . . The scriptures do not say people took the mark by their own choice, the scriptures say IT WAS CAUSED. "All" is a bit subjective, because the bible also explicitly states that there will be those who gained victory over the mark, with the not so explicit part of that being that those who avoid the mark will probably be homeless as a result, eating pigeons and trash. If you really want to refuse the mark because you believe in God, you're going to have to prove it by suffering deep hardship.

The time period lasts 7 years and then the beast system collapses, most likely due to corruption. You can't have demons running the storehouse.


Why Are Magnets Sticking To Where People Got Covid Vaccines Injected?!

4 Videos!

May 11th, 2021 


Magnetism INTENTIONALLY Added to ‘Vaccine’ to Force mRNA Through Entire Body?

Stew Peters Show – Published June 7, 2021 BREAKING!

Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters with a horrific revelation regarding the ‘magnetism’ videos circulating the world of social media in self-recorded videos of people sticking metal objects to themselves. The CDC has said receiving the ‘vaccine’ will not make you magnetic, including at the site of ‘vaccination’ which is usually your arm. Dr. Ruby says, “They’re lying”, and provides evidence in support of her claim, as well as a disturbing warning about the ingredients in the jab, directly from the source.


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